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Did God Cause Covid-19 in Order to Punish Specific People? | Tough Questions for the Current Crisis Miniseries P1

The Covid-19 Crisis has been the most challenging thing our world collectively has faced since WWII. For many, a part of that challenge has been…

“The Perfect” Argument for Continuationism

Coming from a strong cessationist background, I assumed that the sign gifts in the early church had died out soon after the apostolic age. But…

What is Postmodernism, and Why Should we care?

In this episode, Brian & Aaron begin to scratch the surface of a notoriously hard to define topic: postmodernism, specifically postmodern philosophy. While western culture…
Christian Living
A Holiday to the Unknown God
The Difference Between the Rapture and Christ’s Return
The Gifts: Defined and Referenced
The Cup Of Wrath – Understanding God’s Justice And Mercy
The Divinity of Jesus & 5 Reasons it Matters

Church Van E04-Tony Clark Part 1

Hosts Riley Taylor and Jarryd Bryant interview Pastor Tony Clark of Calvary Chapel Newport News on questions about discipleship, how Christians should handle racism in…

The Link: Crossing Cultures Podcast, Uncontroversial Topics with Tim Keller, Challenges of Church Succession & More

"Crossing.Cultures Podcast"– Phil Metzger"Tune in for the first episode of "Crossing.Cultures" Podcast with Phil Metzger! We look forward to this new podcast! Click the link…

Praying With People Online: Key Lessons I’ve Learned

Every day for the past year (since March of 2020) I have thought about what is meant when we say a "healthy church" while leading…
Christian Living
Why Wait For Marriage? (With Jon Keith and Jordan Aly) – A Discussion on dating and sexuality.
Pray for Florida
Do Christians Need To Rethink How They Support Israel?
Christian Living
Estrangement is Rising in America: A Christian Response
A Thousand Year Tug of War: The Marriage of Church and State
The Link: Cultural Engagement, Creation Fest UK Update, Conspiracy Theories & More!

Peace on Earth

“Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace to men on whom God's favor rests.” (Luke 2:14). There is still quite a bit…

A Box with a Lid: The Shared Fate of John Chrysostom and the Gospel

This article was supposed to be about John Chrysostom and the historical roots of expositional preaching. It is not. It did not take me long…

Proclaiming the Gospel According to Charles Spurgeon

THE BOOK A few months ago, I decided to reread Spurgeon's classic work, The Soul Winner. Like most people, my view is that anything Spurgeon…
The Church & Victims of Depression
Contextualizing the Gospel: An Example Set by Jesus
Three Thoughts on Effective Short Term Missions
Advent: The Holy Spirit
A Conversation on Class, Culture, the Gospel, and Race
Christian Living
Evangelism During a Pandemic? – with Joel Turner

Training a Church to Love the Depressed – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a 3 part series. You can find Part 1 here: The Church & Victims Of Depression Providing Training In our…
Ministry & Leadership

Why Pastors Should Partner with Churches Outside Their Movement

We Used to be Considered a Cult This picture (above) requires a little explanation. Our church, Golgota, is a member of the Alliance of Christian…

Are You a Missionary?

My wife Lynne and I went onto the mission field when were young. We left America in our early twenties and spent ten years in…
Weak Men Weak Excuses
Ministry & Leadership
Bridging Generational Gaps
Ministry & Leadership
Three Ideas About Serving as Worship
Ministry & Leadership
Exposing Truth: Engaging a New Generation with the Need for Expository Teaching
Ministry & Leadership
Women, God Wants to Use You
Ministry & Leadership
What Every American Christian Should Be Doing for Donald Trump Today

True Repentance Requires A Broken Heart

As Christians, it is easy for us to come to God only when we want to escape the consequences of our sin, rather than coming…

Church Van E04-Tony Clark Part 1

Hosts Riley Taylor and Jarryd Bryant interview Pastor Tony Clark of Calvary Chapel Newport News on questions about discipleship, how Christians should handle racism in…

Take Courage: A Meditation on Acts 23:11

Ever finished a project and thought: Is that it? The result just did not compare to the excitement that first inspired action. This is especially…
The Tenacity of Amy Carmichael
Are We Doing What God is Calling Us to Do?
When God Crushes Your Dreams … and Why It’s Good. (Lessons from Babel)
The Saturday Before the Dawn of Hope
Belle Patrick: A Kind of Missionary
Soteriology in the Middle Part 2
Christian Living

How to Stay Free in Christ

God our Father has given us an awesome, divine, eternal and precious gift that will take us into an adventurous, exploring and very secured joyful…
Christian Living

On Wonder & Worship: Finding Heaven in Refugee Camps & Dance Clubs

We wonder at the mystery of a God who became man in many ways. This past week, I had three separate encounters with wonder and…
Christian Living

Has a Piece of Sin Latched Onto You?

You don't exactly plan to be living in luxury on a mission trip, but you do hope to at least get a good night's sleep.…
Christian Living
The Charity Winter Needs
Christian Living
Why Complaining is Self-Inflicting
Christian Living
Aimee Semple McPherson Part 2
Christian Living
The Difference Between Providing Opportunities & Keeping Responsibilities
Christian Living
Where Strength is Found
Christian Living
The Necessity of Applying the Gospel to My Own Heart