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Pastoring In A Ukrainian War Zone – Benjamin Morrison (Season 7 Finale)

By March 30, 2022July 20th, 2022Podcasts2 min read

With war raging between Russia and Ukraine, we wanted to take a moment and connect with a pastor in the thick of it. Friend of the show and CGN pastor Benjamin Morrison is currently doing ministry in the midst of a war zone… and he has a ton of perspective to offer us.

We cover things like:

  • What is God doing in Ukraine?
  • How is the Church operating?
  • How can we pray for the mental health of the pastors on the ground floor?
  • How can we in the states help?
  • What are the motives of Putin?
  • How does Putin’s vision clash with the Kingdom of God?
  • Can we trust the media in the midst of war?

Note from Aaron: In this episode towards the 2nd half, we discuss some of the geopolitical issues at play. I am a novice in these things, and I tend to approach things from a “Kingdom of God lens” as much as possible. That said, I acknowledge some of what I say in this episode could be said in ignorance, especially as we are discussing some of the various theories out there sent in by our friends on social media. Please bear with me (and feel free to reach out if you have something to add to the discussion!)

That said, I truly agree with the words of Jon Tyson:

“The real conspiracy is satanic and it’s goal is to get you to focus on ‘global meta whatevers’ that you can do almost nothing about and neglect the place of prayer, the word, and sacrificial love of neighbor.”

I encourage all listeners, no matter their political lens, to really consider what Benjamin is saying, as a pastor and brother in Christ on the ground floor of this war. He offers a lot of wisdom for us to consider, and has proven his focus is on the advances of the light of the Gospel into the darkest places.



Support Benjamin’s Ministry in Ukraine

Ben’s Facebook – updates

CGN Relief Fund

GoodLion Episode: Warnings About Progressive Christianity


Benjamin Morrison is the lead pastor of Calvary Chapel Svitlovodsk, Ukraine, the Coordinator for City to City Ukraine & serves as Training Coordinator for City to City Europe.

Aaron Salvato is the host and co-founder of "The GoodLion Podcast." He is also founder of the GoodLion School of Discipleship where he serves along with his wife, Brooklynn. Aaron's previous pastoral and leadership roles involve youth pastor and Bible College teacher. He is currently pursuing a degree at Western Seminary.

Aaron Salvato and Brian Higgins are here to talk about Jesus, faith, and the Christian Life. A show filled with powerful interviews, fascinating theological deep-dives, and a never-ending stream of questions, there’s always something to discover on The Good Lion Podcast.