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FB Live Talk on Creativity & Theology

FB Live Discussion Enjoy this FB Live discussion with Thomas Terry, Scott Cunningham and J. Ryan Lister on creativity & theology, upcoming Canvas Conference and…

Critiquing Cessationism: The Gifts of the Spirit & the Church Today

In my last post in this series, I tried to offer a valid explanation of cessationism along with the primary points commonly held in support…

6 Reasons Why I Believe Jesus is God

There is much debate about who Jesus is. Some believe he was a good man or a great prophet. Others claim he was an angel…
7 Reasons Jesus Couldn’t Stay Dead
The Rescue of Restriction
Calvary Chapel Core Convictions: God’s Grace + Love
History & Holidays
What Mary Knew an Advent Meditation
Grace: The Anti-Karma
Whose Spin on Christianity is Better?

Faith in a Level Zero Culture

As soon as the average person in the United Kingdom finds out I am a Christian, I battle their instant suspicion. Eyes narrow, voices change…

Religious Freedom, The Wounds of a Friend, Dr. Lu Wing on Vaccines & More

"The Equality Act, People of Faith, and Religious Freedom"– Christianity Today"I’ve written before on the Equality Act. As one who believes that all people are…

I Thank God for Tim Keller

On Thursday, May 18th, I, along with many others, read the sad news that Tim Keller was being sent home from the hospital and put…
Hope for America, Stop Praying for Stuff, Five Keys to Effective Preaching & More
The Link: Political Endgame, Junk DNA, Thanksgiving & More
The Link: Political Correctness in the Church, Evangelism Formation, Finding God in A-Level Politics & More
Seeing, Hearing, Caring: Finding Jesus Standing With The Hurting
How to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking
The Link: Renewal for Tired Pastors, Longing for Justice, Character Formation & More

WIN: Jesus is Victorious

Forty days ago, Christians gathered all over the world to lament our human frailty and the inevitability of our own deaths, crying out together, “From…

What is “Gospel-Centered Renewal” and What Does It Mean for Life and Ministry?

One of the phrases you might hear us use to describe who we are and what we’re about as Calvary Global Network, is the phrase:…

Introducing The Cultivate Church Planting Podcast!

We are excited to announce the launch of the Cultivate Church Planting podcast! Hosted by Brian Kelly, this podcast will feature insightful and inspiring conversations…
Three Reflections on the Power, Hope, and Triumph of Easter
Facing Challenges in Evangelism & Discipleship in the 21st Century
Injustice, Deconstruction, & El Roi
Advent: The Son
The Real Meaning of Palm Sunday
Why Was Good Friday So Good?

Declaring His Glory Among the Nations: How Are We Doing? Part 1

According to Acts 1:3, from resurrection Sunday until He ascended to heaven, Jesus spent a total of 40 days with the apostles and disciples. Although…

A Case for Leadership Coaching

Every elite athlete has at least one thing in common – they have been coached to maximize God-given potential. In the context of sports, coaching…
Ministry & Leadership

The Pastors School

CGN operates many Specialized Ministry Training Institutions around the world, which provide leadership development in specific fields of Christian ministry. One of those is the…
A Calvary Chapel Perspective on Preaching
Christian Living
God Equips You for Your Ministry: Welsh Missionary John Jenkins
Ministry & Leadership
Eight Reasons Why Believers Have Daily Devotions
Ministry & Leadership
Placing Jesus Christ Above Our Own Rights
Ministry & Leadership
Do you know your lane? Do you know your Lord?
Ministry & Leadership
Quickly building websites for Churches

A Case for Leadership Coaching

Every elite athlete has at least one thing in common – they have been coached to maximize God-given potential. In the context of sports, coaching…

Good Fear/Bad Fear – Understanding the Difference

Protective or Paralyzing Whether we like it or not, fear is a factor in all our lives. And that’s not always a bad thing. Fear…

Lessons in Leadership Part 1: Who is in Charge of Your Church?

All of us who occupy a pastoral leadership position in a church, will at some point in time be faced with a very critical question:…
How to Respond when You become a Public Piñata
What Is Hatred For?
The Church & Victims of Depression
Worship Leader Must Do’s
Angels Landing
Iron Sharpening Iron
Christian Living

Florence Nightingale Part 2

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): We continue today with Part Two of the story of Florence Nightingale, the “Lady with the Lamp” whose medical work among the…
Christian Living

Making God’s Will Your Will

I will speak for myself. Perhaps some might say an “Amen” to it because they are or have found themselves in the same space. Though…
Christian Living

Four Thoughts on How Our Spiritual Life and Family Life Must Intersect

“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build” (Psalm 127:1)."The wise man built his house upon the rock, and the rain…
Christian Living
The Power of Spiritually Healthy Habits
Christian Living
Purity Culture: It’s A Different Gospel
Christian Living
Keeping the Main thing the Main Thing
Christian Living
Surrendering the Adrenaline: A Peace Offering
Christian Living
Close Encounters of the Disastrous Kind
Christian Living
Grace Towards Those Who Don’t Seem to Deserve It