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Warnings About Progressive Christianity (Repost from Can I Say That?)

Aaron gets invited to come onto Brenna Blain's podcast "Can I Say That?", a podcast that tackles tough topics around Christianity and faith. In the…
Christian Living

What Should We Do with Our Doubts? – Ft. Dominic Done

Aaron Salvato invites pastor and author Dominic Done onto the show to discuss questions about faith and doubt. Questions asked: 1. What has been your…

Assessing Strange Fire

On October 16-18, 2013, Pastor John MacArthur held a three-day conference at his Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA, entitled, “Strange Fire.” The conference…
Theological Continuationist Practical Cessationist
Apathy & Prophecy: The Growing Indifference of Millennials Toward dispensationalism
Strange Fire Friendly Fire
A Discussion on the Biblical Theology of Israel Part 1
“The Perfect” Argument for Continuationism
Critiquing Cessationism: The Gifts of the Spirit & the Church Today

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Serving Christ

This Article Was Originally Published On Jan 18, 2021 The year was 1989, and I was a freshman in high school. I was sitting at…

Why Juneteenth is Important for All Christians

Why should Juneteenth be important for all Christians? Before we consider the answer, a brief history lesson will be helpful. What is Juneteenth? Juneteenth (June…

The Link: Ravi Zacharias, Equality Act, Ancient Creedal Christianity & More

"Ravi Zacharias was a Liar, Sexual Pervert and Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. This Report Proves it"– TheWeeFlea"Premier Christianity asked me to write a report on…
The Mayflower Pilgrims, Romanian Extension Site, Covenant Theology, & More
Faith & Politics: A Historical Christian Perspective – Part 1
The Link: 09.03.2019
How to Develop a Lifestyle of Thanksgiving That Outlives the Holiday
Working Through The Issues: More Thoughts On Attending an LGBT Friend’s Wedding
A September 11th Tribute

Evangelism for the Introvert

It’s safe to say that evangelism is on the Lord’s heart. When we pray, "May your kingdom come," I believe the Lord wants to impress…

Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Gospel

The Gospel is the "good news" concerning who Christ is and what He has accomplished. It is the power of God to redeem sinful humanity,…

Reframing the Gospel for the Nations in our Neighborhoods Part 3

When there was no more wine to supply to the guests at a wedding they were attending, Mary approached Jesus and subtly told Him to…
Proclaiming the Gospel According to Charles Spurgeon
Knowing God
Christian Living
Weapons of this Warfare: Facing the Strongholds of Social Media
A Secured Tomb Couldn’t Stop the Resurrected Christ
Contextualizing the Gospel: An Example Set by Jesus
The Gospel – How You Say it, Matters

Are You a Missionary?

My wife Lynne and I went onto the mission field when were young. We left America in our early twenties and spent ten years in…
Ministry & Leadership

How to Triple Your Church Leadership in a Year

How would you like to see your church’s leadership triple in a year? Can you imagine the leverage that could be created to advance the…
Ministry & Leadership

What Every American Christian Should Be Doing for Donald Trump Today

To begin by stating the obvious, Donald Trump is a polarizing person. The new President was a particular point of polarization for American evangelicals throughout…
Ministry & Leadership
An Unexpected Blessing for Bible Teachers
Ministry & Leadership
Three Thoughts on Moral Failure
Ministry & Leadership
Q&A Interview with Pam Markey of CCBC Europe
Does Love-Fueled Ministry Exist?
Ministry & Leadership
10 Minute Seminary: What is Gospel-Centered Preaching?
Introducing The Cultivate Church Planting Podcast!

Holiness = Doing Justice

I’m an optimist. Which might surprise people who think I’m a Seattle-type emo cynic who listens to obscure music and watches depressing movies all the…

Keep It Simple, Saint!

I was recently blessed to be part of a pertinent discussion with a group of loving, caring, well-educated young pastors. We talked about some of…

Generational Sin?

Have you ever heard a sermon on the devastation caused by “genera­tional sin”? Preachers base their frightening comments on texts like Exodus 20:5: “I, the…
Why You Should Not Take Offense
Psalm 134: Making the Choice to Rejoice
Worship Leader Q/A: What Does Worship Ministry Look Like Today in the Church?
Training a Church to Love the Depressed – Part 2
5 Preaching Tips from the Apostle Paul
Gossip & The Gospel
Christian Living

Five Obstacles to Christ’s Rest

Editor’s Note: This is the second article in a series on rest for our souls. Click here to read the first article, “Jesus Offers a…
Christian Living

Why Christians Should be Related to the World

The term “relevant” is one of those hot button words in modern church culture. When most people talk about being relevant they are generally thinking…
Christian Living

How Christians Can Bring Positive Change to America

Regardless of our philosophical viewpoints, I think almost everyone would agree. We live in very interesting times. We are in the midst of one of…
Christian Living
The Power and Role of Just One Color—Part 2
Christian Living
4 Ideas for Family Ministry in Your Church
Christian Living
Corrie ten Boom Part 1: Women Worth Knowing
Christian Living
Edith Studd Buxton & Mary Warburton Booth
Christian Living
Jesus Brings (More) Life
Christian Living
Allow Yourself to Heal