“John Crist Cancels 2019 Tour Dates After Reports of Sexting, Harassment, Manipulation”– Charisma
“According to multiple sources, Crist has exploited his Christian reputation and platform to harass, manipulate and exploit young women over the last seven years. The allegations include, but are not limited to, individually sexting multiple women during the same time period, initiating sexual relationships with married women and women in committed relationships, offering show tickets in exchange for sexual favors and repeatedly calling these women late at night while drunk.”
“Sex Offender Arrested After Using the Bible App to target Teen Girls”– ABC Action News
“Douglas Earl Kersey is accused of using the YouVersion Bible App to secretly reach out to underage girls at a Hillsborough County church youth group. According to a warrant, Kersey was eventually charged thanks to an observant congregation member who noticed the odd online behavior and notified the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.”
“Taxes & Tithing: The Motive for Our Giving”– CalvaryChapel.com
“A challenge we must address is this: If churches lose their tax-exempt status, will you continue to give? It’s best to ponder this question now.”
“Finding Hope in Suffering with Wesley Towne”– Pursuing Faith
“Dominic Done interviews Wesley Towne, as he shares personal stories of suffering and how he’s found hope, even while navigating some of life’s most difficult circumstances.”
“Mark Sayers: Meet the Culture Guru Who Believes Revival is on the Way”– Premier Christianity
“Sayers is a guru. His expert analysis of Western, secular culture has made him an in-demand speaker and, increasingly, a household name among church leaders. As one pastor put it to me recently: Sayers has an unmatched ability to put into words exactly what Christian leaders are noticing about the post-Christian culture they find themselves in.”
“Why I Still Believe (with Mary Jo Sharp)”– Biblical Thinking
“As a former atheist from the Pacific Northwest, Mary Jo Sharp thought religion was for the weak-minded. But she was transformed by encountering Jesus in the New Testament. In this episode, Sean and Scott interview MJ about her latest book Why I Still Believe. She shares her journey to faith, including some difficult experience she had adapting to church culture. Professor Sharp offers some powerful wisdom for engaging non-believers today.”
“The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House Cambridge”– Crossway
“Introducing a new Greek text of the New Testament.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.