“‘I feel so distant from God’: Popular D.C.-Area Pastor Confesses He’s Tired, Announces Sabbatical”– The Washington Post
“After 30 years of preaching more than 5,000 sermons, the Rev. Howard-John Wesley stood in front of his congregation on Dec. 1 and admitted he needed a break from the Lord’s work. In an address shared widely this week on social media by others in ministry, Wesley made his admission: ‘I am tired in my soul.'”
“Discernment: The Largest Mission Field in America”– Reading for a Change Podcast
“Drew Dyck and Hannah Anderson talk to author Dean Inserra about his book The Unsaved Christian. Also, the virtue of gastronomic learning, doing church on the golf course, and why women’s retreats are better than men’s.”
“Episode 78 – Unity in Multicultural Churches”– Expositors Collective
“James Travis is the Senior Pastor at Saar Fellowship, an international church in Bahrain, in the Middle East. He has been there for six and a half years and has done everything from piano playing to preaching and everything in-between. He writes for the GoodLion Network, is co-host of the IMMERSE Podcast, and has started a new one, ‘Questions for My Pastor’.”
“Rubin and Lennox. A Pairing That Shouldn’t Have Worked… But Did”– Premier Christianity
“Esther O’Reilly looks at why an Oxford Professor and a California talk show host’s Big Conversation was able to shed light on this generation’s meaning crisis.”
“Paleontologist Günter Bechly: What We Mean by the Missing Transitional Fossil Forms”– Evolution News
“Here is a really interesting interview with German paleontologist Günter Bechly about the fossil record, his current work on evolution’s very difficult ‘waiting time’ problem, and more.”
“Can Atheism Ground Reason?”– Sean McDowell
“Sean McDowell, Ph.D. is a professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University, the National Spokesman for Summit Ministries, a best-selling author, popular speaker, and part-time high school teacher.”
“The Way of the Lamb: A Conversation on Ministering Powerfully in Our Weakness”– Way of the Lamb
“An event designed for pastors and ministry leaders to explore what it means to shepherd and lead in the way of Jesus. Through time in prayer, dialogue and teaching we will pursue faithfulness in our shared vocation: February 20-21.”
“Crack vs. Heroin: An Unfair System Arrested Millions of Blacks, Urged Compassion for Whites”– App.
“A racial double standard has been hard-wired into the nation’s drug laws and criminal justice system since the heyday of the crack epidemic and continues today.”
“6 Attributes Of Good Leaders”– Nate Holdridge
“But, occasionally, there is a section. Proverbs 16:10-15 is one such section, a series of proverbs about kings. Surely, David is in the mind of the author. The ideal king is described, so the ideal leader is described, giving modern leaders quite a bit to consider.”
“The Gift of Tongues”– Back to Basics
“The gift of tongues is perhaps the most controversial and misunderstood of all the gifts of the Spirit. Some Pentecostals and Charismatics say that unless you speak in tongues, you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit. A few even go to the extreme of saying that unless you speak in tongues, you are not even saved!”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.