“The Church’s Real Political Correctness Problem”– The Dispatch
“The religious right has created a mirror image PC complete with cancel culture and performative anger.”
“Evangelism Formation: Three Major Challenges to Our Evangelism Today”– Christianity Today
“As we enter into 2020, challenges to evangelism continue to rise. We need to face them to help us prioritize the spread of the gospel.”
“How I Found God in A-Level Politics”– The Critic
“So why am I a Christian? The answer is that it convinced me. It scared me. It made me realize that my actions do have consequences; that you’re never truly alone; that there is an ultimate meaning to existence, rather than ‘blind, pitiless indifference’.”
“The Stunning Southern Baptist Controversy Over Donald Trump and Russell Moore, Explained”– The Week
“A former pastor and professor at multiple Baptist universities, Moore’s most recent book is about shaping family life around the gospel. His office is decorated with bobbleheads of Thomas Jefferson and Billy Graham. He is a teetotaler. How could this man be the target of what many see as an attempted purge by his fellow Southern Baptists? Donald Trump, of course. Here’s what’s happening.”
“Scottish Churches Demand Council Apology Over ‘Illegal and Discriminatory’ Franklin Graham Booking Cancellation”– Premier Christian News
“Church leaders in Scotland have written to Glasgow City Council calling for an immediate reversal of the decision to cancel the booking of Franklin Graham at the city’s SEC arena. Despite contracts being signed, the Council urged the venue to reconsider, claiming the US evangelist’s appearance would cause division. The opposition is linked to previous comments he had made about homosexuality.”
“How I Write So Much”– The Gospel Coalition
“I recently finished writing my 22nd book in 12 years. Taking a little victory lap over the manuscript completion on social media, as one does, I received the usual recurring questions about productivity. ‘How you crank them out so fast?'”
“Power To Change 2020 – John McCarthy Story of Changed Life. God is good.”– Cliffs of Hope
“In this video, I discuss how we can really experience the joy of and power of being changed. God loves us, He wants to do an incredible work in us and change us. I share how that is possible and what God says. We serve an amazing God, His eyes are looking to and fro across the face of the earth, seeking Him or Her who would humbly look to him. I hope you enjoy.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.