Introducing the CGN Women in Ministry Leadership Initiative and When She Leads Podcast! Brenda Leavenworth of Reliance Church will be leading this initiative on creating a network for women in ministry leadership, along with Jenn Benham, Rosemary Cady, Kelly Bell, Jody Ponce and many more amazing women!!
EPISODE 1 OF WHEN SHE LEADS IS OUT NOW! The team begins with a discussion on “Becoming a Leader God Can Use”
ALSO, Jody Ponce shares some thoughts about the new When She Leads Podcast. Look for her upcoming article to follow soon!
“Jesus made it possible for women to walk across the threshold, he opened the door and invited them to walk through. Now, obviously we realise that within the body of Christ there are many differing views on the roles women should play in the church. We have, hard complementarians, soft-complementarians, egalitarians and of course those who are on the fence, not quite sure what they believe about the question. However, for those women who are reading this and are already in leadership, whether that be over a women’s ministry, and outreach, missions trips, evangelism, teaching and preaching or discipleship, this article is here to remind you that Jesus opened the door for you, and we each must choose to humble ourselves and walk through it, laying down our lives in service to him. When it comes to walking through the door of service to Christ, no-one can carry you, it is for us to walk through to Christ.
It is time then for women to be equipped for the service God is calling them to. Calvary Global Network, seeing this need, has started a ‘woman in leadership’ task team to build and encourage women in leadership and ministry, in the global church, for the service God has called them to. Women are important to God, and training and guiding women in the service of the Lord is vitally important. Often, women in ministry do not feel equipped and feel very much alone in their service. But if women are to take up their cross and step into their call to serve and to lead, then they need to be equipped for the task.
‘Now may the God of peace—who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—may he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen’ (Hebrews 13:20-21- 20-NLT).
Join the conversation. Each month we gather around the table to consider the complexities and realities of leading as a woman.”
What do you think? If you have a topic in mind, email us at: whensheleadspodcast@gmail.com. You can also stay in touch by following us on Instagram @whensheleads