“Just Drop the Blanket”– The Gospel Coalition
“But while working so diligently to learn those lines, there is one important thing I didn’t notice then, and didn’t notice until now. Right in the middle of speaking, Linus drops the blanket.”
“Why Can’t J.K. Rowling Accept Transgender People Like Me?”– The Washington Post
“On Thursday, Rowling tweeted a defense of the British researcher Maya Forstater, whose employer declined to renew her contract in light of Forstater’s own tweets, which included statements such as ‘men cannot change into women.’ Forstater took her former employer to court, where the judge sided with the employer, stating that Forstater’s online commentary ‘creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment … not worthy of respect in a democratic society.'”
“Introducing the CGN Leadership Team”– Calvary Global Network
“The purpose of the CGN leadership team is to provide definition and direction for the network, especially developing strategies to assist churches in resourcing ministry leaders, as well as fostering relational connections among network churches.”
“Taking Care of the Shepherd“– GoFundMe
“Pastor Joe Nauta of Calvary Chapel Guam has a crushed spinal disk, bone on bone and bone on nerve. As you can imagine, he is in a lot of pain. He needs a Laminectomy surgery as soon as possible. He does not have medical insurance and the cost of the surgery, along with the cost of the trip to the Philippines to get it is $17,729.”
“Spark of Love at CCCM”– Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
“KWVE and CCCM hosted a Spark of Love Distribution Center in the Charis Warehouse.”
“PEP Talk Podcast with Joel Turner”– Solas
“Do you have to be a master of improvisation to be an effective evangelist? Or is it better to master a 16-step gospel presentation written by an expert? This time on PEP Talk, we speak to former comedian and traveling evangelist Joel Turner about following the Spirit and looking to the Bible for new opportunities in sharing the gospel.”
“Transformed by the Gospel of Grace“– Expositors Collective
“Speaker, traveler and missionary, Sarah Yardley, shares her experiences and growth in understanding the gospel of grace.”
“Alice Cooper Opens Up About His Journey to Finding Faith”– Today
“Shock rocker Alice Cooper and his wife, Sheryl Goddard, sit down with TODAY’s Natalie Morales to talk about contributing to the new book Rock Gets Religion, by Mark Joseph. He opens up about losing his way in fame, fortune and alcohol before finding religion.”
“Tidings of Comfort and Joy”– Back to Basics
“This prophecy of Simeon is so beautiful, and this story is truly amazing. Jesus has been born and Mary and Joseph are coming to the temple after the time of her purification, bringing their Son for circumcision. Upon their arrival, they meet an elderly man. He takes the Baby from them, looks up to heaven, and begins to praise the Lord.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.