The recent years have presented new challenges for pastors and leaders, and many studies are showing that discouragement is at an all time high. Even apart the unique events of the past few years, pastoring and leading can be difficult.
What is CGN doing as a network to provide care and coaching for pastors and leaders?
In this episode, Brian Brodersen, Kellen Criswell, and Nick Cady are joined by Rob Salvato, who leads the Leadership Care and Coaching Team for CGN. In our discussion, Rob shares about the ways their team is developing systems and providing resources to help pastors and leaders in practical ways, including providing resources to help them lead, and providing a lifeline for those who are struggling.
Together we share about some of the struggles we’ve faced as leaders, and how relationships within our network helped us in those times; as well as how we would like to make that experience available to anyone who needs it.
Check out the Leadership Collective Podcast here.
The Calvary Chapel / CGN International Conference is coming up soon — it will be from June 26-29 in Costa Mesa, California. For more information and registration, visit conference.calvarychapel.flywheelsites.com
New episodes are being released every 2 weeks, so make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so those episodes will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out.
We’d love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. You can email us at CGN@calvarychapel.flywheelsites.com