Joanne Shetler (1936-Present): Join us today as we explore the incredible ministry of Wycliffe Bible translator Joanne Shetler, who witnessed a powerful work of God’s Spirit among the unreached Balangao people of the Philippines. As Jo spent twenty years translating the Word of God into Balangao, she watched Him bring radical deliverance from demonic oppression, perform miraculous healings, and effect the spiritual transformation of an entire people through the Gospel message. It’s no wonder she entitled her autobiography, And the Word Came With Power!
- And the Word Came With Power by Joanne Shetler
Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit GraciousWords.com.