Kathy Gilbert has been involved with the Calvary Chapel movement for over 50 years. Having attended Woodstock in 1969 and identifying as an “Earth Mother,” Kathy was a hippy in every sense of the word. But as she immersed herself in hippy culture, she began to feel empty. It was her encounter with Jesus Christ that gave her true and radical purpose in life. Kathy’s life was transformed and she became a “Jesus Freak,” engaging in the Jesus Movement that began to spread across the globe. She soon became connected with Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, CA, where she met Chuck and Kay Smith, with whom she began a dear and lifelong friendship. As a friend and mentor, Kay Smith made an indelible impact on Kathy. But Kay also became a key figure amid a tremendous outpouring of God’s Spirit. Her life was one of faithful, loving, service to those inside and outside the Church. In light of her recent passing into the next life, Kathy Gilbert shares thoughts about her friend, mentor, and beloved co-laborer, Kay Smith.
Why is Kay Smith such an important figure?
• Kay Smith was one of God’s key influencers in the Jesus People movement coming to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. She passionately sought God on how He would reach and save the Hippies (and she made others, especially her husband, Pastor Chuck Smith, join her in praying for them). The rest is history.
• Her love for women and seeing them know, love, and experience the same intimacy with God as she did.
• She personally practiced and encouraged women to practice the gifts of the Spirit. She loved waiting on the Lord in prayer and in afterglows, expecting God to speak to us and through us, and He did!
• Her priority was prayer and how it is a key to making a difference in our homes, ministries, and churches.
• Kay wanted everyone who came to Calvary to be greeted, loved on, and helped.
What teaching points from Kay Smith should Jesus-followers continue to emphasize?
• Kay Smith had the ability to communicate the Word of God to all women, with a special place in her heart for pastors’ wives. She encouraged and taught us to put the Bible into practice in our everyday lives, showing us how to study it, pray it, share it, and decorate with it!
• Kay Smith had a supernatural, Holy-Spirit-anointed gift of exhortation. When she shared the heart of God with us, we said YES to Him, wanting to do it, and knowing Jesus would enable us to do it.
• Her teaching on Pleasing God was and is a key to our living an abundant, joy-filled life. All we need to do is simply ask ourselves, “Will this bring me closer to God or push me further away from Him? Will this please God or grieve His heart?”
• Kay Smith was a true Titus 2 woman. She taught us to love God, our husbands, and our children.
Key Bible Passages, Quotes, and Recommended Reading
• One of Kay’s Favorite Bible passages:
” Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
• Quote from “Pleasing God”, by Kay Smith
“What does love for God look like? I remember when my youngest daughter first fell in love with Brian, who is now her husband. Cheryl had found her beloved. It was marvelous to be around her. Nobody had to tell her how to please him. She was constantly thinking of the food he liked to eat, the color he would like her to wear, and how she should do her hair. No one had to teach her to think of him. Clearly, no one has to tell a heart of love to please its beloved. Love’s desire is to please. And when you have the love for God that you ought to have, you will naturally desire to please Him above everything else.” – Pleasing God, p. 23
Recommended Resources by Kay Smith (All available at the KWVE Store):
. Attributes of a Godly Woman: Titus 2 Audio
. Colossians Bible Study, Book
. Dwelling in the Holy of Holies, Audio
. Heart for Ministry, DVD
. Philippians Bible Study, Book
. Pleasing God, Book and Audio
. Reflecting God, Book
These resources and more are available from the KWVE Store here.