EP 39 – Leona Karni: In today’s episode, we are so excited to bring our friend Leona into the studio with us to share her riveting testimony of the work of God in and through her life! For over 40 years, Leona has served on the mission field in a variety of countries–but you would never expect it from the course of her life before she came to know Jesus! Leona’s story is a powerful picture of the fact that God works ALL things together for good to those who love Him. Join us as we begin an inspiring and encouraging two-part journey through the life of Leona Karni–a modern day woman worth knowing!
- Chosen in Love by Leona Karni
EP 40 – We continue today with the fascinating story of Leona Karni, a modern day missionary who has served for over 40 years in places like Israel, Holland, Thailand, Peru, and Columbia! There are SO many stories of God’s power and faithfulness in Leona’s life that we just had to bring her in to share some of them in Part Two! Leona’s testimony serves as a powerful reminder that God is still very much at work in the lives of those who simply say “Yes” to Him! You definitely won’t want to miss this one!
EP 41 – Catherine Booth (1829-1890): If you had to choose one 19th century woman who most influenced church history, you’d be hard pressed to find a better choice than Catherine Booth! She and her husband, William, founded the Salvation Army, one of the most influential Christian ministry organizations in history. Along with William, Catherine was also a well-known speaker and advocate for the poor and underprivileged. In fact, it has been said that no one family ever spread the Gospel farther and more effectively than the Booths! Today we begin a two-part series on this remarkable woman and her call to preach the Gospel and reach out to London’s poorest and most destitute with the love of Jesus Christ.
- Women of Awakenings by Louis & Betty Drummond
- Catherine Booth by Catherine Bramwell Booth
- Catherine Booth: A Biography of the Co-Founder of the Salvation Army by Roger Joseph Green
Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit GraciousWords.com.