“Calvary Chapel CGN International Conference”– Calvary Global Network
“We are excited to announce the Calvary Chapel CGN International Conference happening on June 29 – July 2, 2020! Our theme this year is ESSENTIAL CHURCH: Identity, Power and Mission. We look forward to gathering with pastoral/ministry leaders, their spouses and those training in ministry.”
“Members of Chinese Church in UK Facing Verbal Abuse Due to Coronavirus”– Premier Christian News
“A Chinese minister in the UK has described how some of his congregation have been told to ‘go home’ and a Christian businesswoman told Premier how people have moved away from her on the tube. The virus has not killed anyone in the UK and has been likened to common flu, affecting the old and the young worst.”
“February 20-21: Two-Day Seminar in Las Vegas”– Expositors Collective
“Our next training seminar for young preachers (men and women 18-34 years old) will take place on February 21-22, 2020, at Calvary Chapel Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV. When you sign up, you are committing to full involvement in the 24-hour interactive seminar, where attendees will be meeting in groups and building ongoing relationships. Space will be limited, so we encourage you to register today! We look forward to seeing what the Lord will do through the Expositors Collective.”
“How to Know if You’ve Made an Idol of Politics”– The Gospel Coalition
“But as I’ve learned over the past several years, it would not work. Almost no one is willing to admit they have made an idol of politics—including me. That’s why I started creating a list of idol-identifying questions that I thought would vindicate me.”
“How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth”– Themelios
“The faith of the next generation, Stanley [Pastor Andy Stanley of Atlanta] said, may depend on our willingness and ability to be liberated from “the whole worldview” of the Old Testament. I disagree. Jesus taught that the Old Testament bears witness about him (John 5:39). Moreover, Christian history has already shown us where churches go, once they diminish the Bible in order to make it less difficult for people to turn to our Lord.”
“Advice for Someone Struggling with Bible Reading”– Nate Holdridge
“[Archived Post] Though I don’t know your particular situation, I will attempt to give a robust answer to this question that will have many applicational thoughts. You might struggle in your reading of the Word because of theological misperceptions, an inability to concentrate or because your workday starts at 4 a.m. For each of these situations, a different line of advice would follow. Because of this, I will try to cover as many contingencies as my feeble brain will allow.”
“Western Seminary Cohort Deadlines”– Calvary Global Network
“Deadline for returning students: April 1. Deadline for new students: April 15. The CGN/Western Seminary partnership features innovative training and education opportunities provided at substantially discounted tuition costs. Participants in selected training partnerships will even have the opportunity to take advantage of ministry training at no cost. The CGN/Western Seminary partnership is available to pastors/elders of CGN churches, as well as staff or lay leaders referred for the training partnership by their local CGN pastor/elders.”
“Identity, Sex and Gender”– The Gospel Coalition
“Ray Ortlund begins the discussion by saying that it is harmful for anyone to make aspects of their fallen nature their primary identity. He goes on to say that we all have tendencies toward this, as we often take aspects of our earthly life and make that the ultimate lens through which we see ourselves.”
“When Will the Rapture Occur?”– Back to Basics
“The fact that the Bible teaches there is going to be a rapture is, I think, perfectly clear. There can be no question about it, based on the passages in Corinthians and Thessalonians. Now, the critical question is this: When does the rapture occur in relation to the Great Tribulation? This is an important question. Does the rapture occur before the tribulation, in the middle of the tribulation, or at the end of the tribulation?”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.