CGN Partnerships
“Joshua Project highlights the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Jesus Christ.”
“The CGN/Western Seminary partnership features innovative training and education opportunities provided at substantially discounted tuition costs. This opportunity is available to pastors/elders of CGN churches, as well as staff or lay leaders referred for the training partnership by their local CGN pastor/elders.”
“The Expositors Collective is a growing network of pastors, leaders, and laypeople which exists to equip, encourage, and mentor the next generation of Christ-centered preachers. We provide resources through our weekly podcast and our two-day intentional training seminars.”
“We are excited to have Aaron Salvato be on board as part of the CGN team! We have merged Good Lion with CGN and look forward to all the opportunities in store for 2020!”
Recent Articles
“Unbelievable? USA Conference 2019: Ruth Jackson, John Lennox, Mary Jo Sharp, AJ Roberts, Brian Brodersen and Bobby Conway”– Premier Christian Radio
“In a holiday special, Justin presents the audience Q&A panel session from Unbelievable? USA at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. He is joined by Ruth Jackson, Mary Jo Sharp, AJ Roberts, Brian Brodersen, John Lennox and Bobby Conway as they take a variety of questions from the audience.”
“Top 10 Think Biblically Podcasts of 2019”– Think Biblically
“2019 year was the second full year of the Think Biblically Podcast, sponsored by Talbot School of Theology (Biola University).The podcast has been growing steadily, and in the last 3 months of 2019, had over 104,000 downloads.”
“Best Of Series Dr. Paul Tripp on the Depth of God’s Grace”– CalvaryChapel.com
“On this ‘Best Of’ episode, Dr. Paul Tripp and Pastor Brian Brodersen discuss that no one is ever a ‘grace graduate.’ So often those in pastoral ministry experience graceless living because they can ‘Improperly equate biblical knowledge, theological ability and success in ministry as spiritual maturity.’ We hope you are encouraged by this episode.”
Upcoming Conferences
“Missions Conference 2020”
“Come to the 2020 Calvary Chapel Missions Conference and join with hundreds of others from around the world as we explore how to work with the Lord as He plants His church in every nation and for every tribe and tongue.”
“Refresh Conference Ireland”
“We will worship, pray, study the Scriptures, and leave filled up and refreshed in the Holy Spirit. If all of this sounds inviting to you, we would love to have you join us at one of our Refresh Conferences!a”
“CGN Senior Pastors Wives Retreat”
“Our heart for this retreat is to provide an environment for you to step away from the pressures and burdens of life, sit at Jesus’ feet, and connect with other women in like ministry situations. The schedule is light and focused on waiting on the Lord. It is our prayer that each of us will leave this retreat with more of Jesus!”
“Calvary Chapel/ CGN International Conference”
“Save the date! June 29 – July 2, 2020, at Murrieta Hot Springs Christian Conference Center”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.