“CGN Church Relief Fund Update”– Calvary Global Network
“I can’t thank you enough, you and the CGN staff are a complete blessing, especially at this time. We are a loose organization of eight local Calvary fellowships in Samar, Philippines. Each teaching church was able to distribute some relief dry goods to the families of the fellowship. we did that immediately. But mostly, thanks and the Lord continue to work through your ministry.”
“Cool Christianity Is (Still) a Bad Idea”– The Gospel Coalition
“A relevance-focused Christianity sows the seeds of its own obsolescence. Rather than rescuing or reviving Christianity, hipster faith shrinks it to the level of consumer commodity, as fickle and fleeting as the latest runway fashion. To locate Christianity’s relevance in its ability to find favor among the ‘cool kids’—just the latest in a long history of evangelical obsession with image—is seriously misguided.”
“School of Worship & Media Arts”– SOW
“School of Worship has begun for 2020-2021! They are accepting last-minute applications until Monday, the 31st. If you are interested in attending in the future, click the link to learn more and prayerfully consider applying to School of Worship the opportunities they offer!”
“Joanne Shetler: Women Worth Knowing”– Gracious Words
“Join us as we explore the incredible ministry of Wycliffe Bible translator Joanne Shetler, who witnessed a powerful work of God’s Spirit among the unreached Balangao people of the Philippines.”
“Don’t Miss All Episodes of Creation Fest On Air!”– Creation Fest UK
“This week, we wrapped up Creation Fest On Air with guests, Astronaut Charlie Duke, Josh Curnow, Scott Cunningham and Carl Beech!”
“The Resurrection of Jesus: The Historical Record”– Back to Basics
“How do we know the resurrection really happened? There is the historical record. How do we know that anything ever happened before our lifetime? Well, we know what happened because people who lived in the past wrote these events down and passed those records on to us.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.