“Calvary Chapel\CGN International Conference Date Change”– Calvary Global Network
“In light of the date change for this year’s Calvary Chapel | CGN International Conference, Pastor Brian Brodersen shares an update about the conference. Join us on August 10-13!”
“Creation Fest On Air 2020!”– Creation Fest UK
“We are happy to announce that we will be partnering with Creation Fest UK with this year’s Creation Fest On Air! These will be weekly episodes premiering every Monday evening beginning July 20 at 8 PM PT! We will be hosting the episodes on our website, Facebook and Instagram accounts! You can also follow Creation Fest on social media and watch the weekly episodes from their platforms! Enjoy this summer of encouragement, fun and hope-filled episodes!”
“Churches, Coronavirus, and The New York Times”– Christianity Today
“Describing churches as a ‘major source of coronavirus cases’ is odd, since that’s not even the case their own article makes.”
“Texas Calvary Chapel Pastor Accepts Responsibility for Spread of Coronavirus at Church”– The Christian Post
“More than a week after at least 51 members of Calvary Chapel of San Antonio in Texas got infected with COVID-19 since the congregation started meeting in person, the church’s pastor says he takes full responsibility. ‘I accept full responsibility. I’m the leader of the church,” said Pastor Ron Arbaugh, according to News 4 San Antonio, while adding, “We kept all of the rules to the letter of the law.'”
“A Long Talk With Anthony Fauci’s Boss About the Pandemic, Vaccines, and Faith”– Intelligencer
“We’ve got the best scientists in the world working on this. We have incredible resources being put into it. People are working 24/7 to make sure that no mistakes get made and no obstacles are left that might slow this down.”
“J. Warner Wallace, Author of ‘Cold Case Christianity’ and ‘Forensic Faith’ Joining Us for Pastors Perspective”– KWAVE
“Enjoy this episode of Pastors Perspective on KWAVE with author J. Warner Wallace who has written ‘Cold Case Christianity’ and ‘Forensic Faith.'”
“An Apologetic Tour-de-Force“– Think
“Peter Williams is a genius. If you don’t know him, he’s the Warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge, an immensely intelligent guy, a super communicator, and an expert in biblical languages. (There’s an amusing moment in the Q&A at the end of this video when someone asks, ‘How many languages have you read parts of the Bible in?’, and he rather self-deprecatingly answers, ‘Twelve.’ That gives you an idea.)”
“2084: Is Technology Helping or Hurting Us?”– Dr. John C. Lennox
“In response to recent popular accounts, scientist and philosopher John Lennox offers a Christian perspective on humanity’s future, the problems raised by AI and the atheist conception of what it means to be human.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.