“CGN Church Relief Fund Update: Calvary Chapel Kampala”– Calvary Global Network
“Since we started the CGN Church Relief Fund on May 19, 2020, we have received $29,565.94 in donations. We just want to say THANK YOU! We had $18,000 in donations when we issued Jimmy Schauerte’s video (of Roots NYC) a few weeks ago! This network of churches has proven that we truly are a network. Here is another praise report from Zeddie Muzungu of Calvary Chapel Kampala who received $2,000 in donations. If you feel led to give, visit calvaryglobalnetwork.com, and click on ‘CGN Church Relief Fund.'”
“The Sin of Racism”– Life in the Gospel
“Biblically, sin is anything that falls short of God’s will and glory, that violates his law and his character (1 John 3:4; Romans 3:23). There are at least four ways in which what we will be calling racism is a violation of God’s glory and therefore is a sin. It is sin.”
“Join Us on July 13-16: “Essential Church: Identity, Power and Mission”– Conference.calvarychapel.flywheelsites.com
“The Calvary Chapel/CGN International Conference is one expression of our greater vision to express the love of Christ, train church leaders, and celebrate the diversity and unity we enjoy in the Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). We pray that each conference—but particularly this year’s—will serve as a useful tool in your spiritual journey and ministry.”
“Bible Overview & Loving Presence in The Chaz”– Expositors Collective
“In this interview from November 2019, Justin Thomas speaks with Mike about the value of teaching through large sections of Scripture as a way of introducing listeners to the themes, contours, characters, geography and theology of various books. At the conclusion of the interview, there is a bonus conversation about what Justin’s church, Calvary The Hill, is doing to love their neighbors in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (currently known as Capitol Hill Occupied Protest).”
“Humor Me: How To Add Comedy To Your Brain, Your Life, & Your Message!”– Calvary Publishing
“Calvary Publishing & Calvary Global Network present “Humor Me: How to Add Comedy to Your Brain, Your Life, & Your Message.” Written by Joel Turner of Mountain Springs Calvary Chapel, this book seeks to come alongside Christians & ministry leaders to share an understanding between humor & hope.”
“How Can We Be A Light In A Politically Divided World? (With Scott Curran)”– GoodLion Podcast Network
“2020 has been a politically charged year. Between COVID 19, the upcoming election debates about health and safety vs. rights and religious freedom; and now the recent murder of George Floyd and the following Black Lives Matter protests, one thing has become clear: Our nation is divided. Our nation is caught in a never-ending culture war between left and right, and many on both sides of the divide see the battle as a clear cut case of good vs. evil. Aaron sits down with Scott Curran, the resident church planter at Park Hill Church, to discuss the deep political divide and how followers of Christ can rise above it, be lights in a dark culture, and make a difference for the Kingdom of God. We hope this conversation is helpful to you as you seek to follow the Way of Jesus in the difficult days we find ourselves in.”
“The Door”– Back to Basics
“Thus far in our series, Jesus has proclaimed to bread and light, two essentials things for life and growth. In verse 9, Jesus makes another bold statement: He claims to be the only entryway into a relationship with God. He later said, ‘I am the way. … No one comes to the Father except through Me’ (John 14:6). Yet we have all heard the modern-day mantra, ‘all roads lead to God.’ This is no more than wishful thinking on man’s part. The Bible says, ‘There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’ (1 Timothy 2:5).”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.