“Heralding the Voice of Christ – Glen Scrivener”– Expositors Collective
“What if God came to your church? Or better yet, what if your words were the words of God?”
“2021 Calvary Chapel\CGN International Conference”– Calvary Global Network
“The CGN International Conference has always been a refreshing time of teaching, fellowship, worship, and prayer, and this year is no different. Our vision is to express the love of Christ, train church leaders and enjoy the diversity and unity of the Church both in-person and online.”
“Richard Dawkins’s Views on Down’s Syndrome Aren’t a Surprise”– The Spectator
“Irish radio host Brendan O’Connor is not interested in having an emotional discussion. He’s just curious: if a man of science claims that it would increase the sum total of the world’s suffering to bring a child with Down’s syndrome into it, what evidence does he have for that claim?”
“The Archbishops of Canterbury and York Unwilling to Support School Chaplain Suspended for Defending Traditional Views on LGBT During a Sermon”– Premier Christianity
“The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are facing criticism after it emerged that neither is willing to support the school chaplain who was suspended and reported to an anti-terrorism programme for questioning his school’s new LGBT policies.”
“New Episodes of Women Worth Knowing!”– Gracious Words
“Enjoy new episodes about Edith Moules and Helen Roseveare on the Women Worth Knowing Podcast with hosts Cheryl Brodersen and Jasmine Alnutt.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.