We are praying for the Wilson family and Harvest Christian Fellowship:
“Hope Gets the Last Word”– Greg Laurie
“In this webcast, Pastor Greg Laurie shares a message from 1 Peter 5:7 titled ‘Hope Gets the Last Word!’ at Harvest Christian Fellowship.”
“There Should be Two of Us: A Lament for Loss and a Look to Hope”– For The Church
“This is not how it should be. We feel most keenly the sting of death and the groaning of creation in these moments. But remember that Paul says this groaning is birth pangs (Rom. 8:22) — meaning, this broken world is breaking open still to give way to something coming. To someone coming. And he is coming soon. And he promises to put it all back together. He is doing it even now (Rev. 21:5).”
“The Bahamas: Hurricane Relief”– CalvaryChapel.com
“We are praying for the Bahamas and the victims of Hurricane Dorian. If you wish to support the disaster relief and receive more information, please click on the link above.”
“Missionary Identity”– Ed Stetzer
“Our culture is a mission field. We must see ourselves as people on mission. This is not our home. This is our mission field. Therefore, we all must see our vocations as mission—as kingdom work.”
“Living Grace Season 7: Living in God’s Providence”– CalvaryChapel.com
“We are excited to launch this new season with guest Nancy DeMoss Wulgemoth. Be encouraged that not only does God write your story, but He will also RIGHT your story.”
“Unbelievable? Live in LA”– Premier
“Justin Brierley has been hosting Unbelievable? in the UK for over a decade – a show which invites people to reconsider their beliefs every week. Join him for a conference that will help you to reach skeptics with the case for Christianity. Learn from speakers who have journeyed from atheism to Christianity and now make the case for why science, history philosophy and experience all point to the one who changes the mind, heart and soul – Jesus Christ.”
“Be Strong in the Lord”– Back to Basics
“’Yet now be strong.’ Through Zerubbabel and Joshua, the leaders of Israel, God said these words to His people. And today, just as in the past, it’s a time to be strong in our faith and have great confidence in our God—He is alive and well and doing amazing things.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.