“Michael Behe on COVID-19, Chloroquine, Malaria and the Edge of Evolution”– Discovery Institute
“On this episode of ID the Future, biochemist Michael Behe and host Andrew McDiarmid discuss the anti-malarial drug chloroquine, now being investigated as a treatment for COVID-19, and how it may work on the cellular level against the coronavirus.”
“CGN–Leading During COVID-19″– Calvary Global Network
“We’ve started a short-form podcast where different leaders in our network share what they are currently doing to make a difference. Each episode is short and to the point, perfect for the busy pastor looking for inspiration and ideas on how to serve the body in this moment.”
“Wheaton’s Ed Stetzer Ramps Up to Resource Churches During Pandemic”– Wheaton College
“Billy Graham Center Executive Director Ed Stetzer applies his legendary energy to serving the global church amid the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“Help During The Exodus To Online”– Expositors Collective
“Ricky Ponce has served in Europe for the past 15 years and is currently an Elder at Calvary Cork and leading the A/V ministry.”
“Watch Your (Knowledge) Diet in the COVID-19 Crisis”– The Gospel Coalition
“In a world like this—with more and more information but less and less wisdom—what are we to do? How can we stay sane, mentally and spiritually healthy, and wise?”
“Contentment in the Midst of Quarantine – Part 1”– GoodLion Podcast Network
“How can followers of Jesus practice contentment while living in this discouraging moment of COVID-19? Aaron and Brian discuss the vices of discontentment and comparison in creativity, ministry, and daily life.”
“Why is God Allowing Evil?”– CalvaryChapel.com
“Any honest thinker would justifiably question where God is in all this, or at least try to make sense of God in relation to evil. There are eight principles to consider when wrestling with this question.”
“Tom on Coronavirus, Self-Isolating and Praying Through Crisis”– Ask NT Wright Anything Podcast
“In a podcast special recorded from his home in Oxford where he is self-isolating with his wife Maggie, Tom talks to Justin about the Coronavirus pandemic. They cover: How Christians can maintain spiritual health during isolation, the pastoral implications for churches now and in the future, and why God created a world where disease and sickness exist.”
“Rhythms for Life: Google Searches for Prayer, Facing our Fears and How Jesus Taught us to Pray”– Reality Church London
“Why are people searching the internet to learn about prayer in times of crisis? Why is Christian prayer so unique? And how does the Lord’s Prayer help us deal with our fears? In this episode, Pastor Tim Chaddick is joined by Al Abdulla, Founding Pastor of Reality Church Boston, as they unpack the discipline of prayer.”
“New Research: Churches Going Digital, While Offerings Drop”– The Gospel Coalition
“The new research shows a massive swing toward digital avenues of connection and communication, as well as an alarming drop in giving. Right now, we’re seeing churches take advantage of technological tools while bracing for significant financial challenges”
“A Post-Tribulational Rapture Leaves No Sheep to Separate from the Goats”– Back to Basics
“Here is the problem: If the Rapture is post-tribulational and not pre-tribulational, then when the Lord comes back to the earth, there not going to be any sheep to separate from the goats. That separation would have already taken place at the Rapture.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.