“After Sermon Criticizing Wives’ Weight, Pastor Resigns as Moderator of General Baptist Meeting”– The Roys Report
“A pastor who preached that ‘weight control’ by wives is the solution for marital problems has resigned as moderator of a meeting of the General Baptist Council of Associations and is being investigated by his denomination.”
“Dying on the Right Hill”– Expositors Collective
“Dr. Gavin Ortlund is a prolific author and apologist as well as a faithful husband, father and pastor. In this conversation Mike speaks with Gavin about the role that theological triage plays in church leadership (and particularly the pulpit) as well as the importance of highlighting application points in a sermon. Gavin gives some very practical advice on how to apply God’s truth to different kinds of church members, and even unbelievers! We hope that this conversation spurs you on in your personal study and public proclamation of God’s Word.”
“Bobby Conway- One Minute Apologist, Doubts, and Mental Health”– All Things All People Podcast
“Bobby Conway is the ‘One Minute Apologist,’ but he certainly understands that our questions take longer to deal with than 60 seconds. Between meeting Jesus, battling alcoholism, earning a Ph.D., planting and pastoring a church, and struggling with mental health Bobby knows what it is like to have questions. He is a tremendous example of a Christian thinker because he has come out on the other side of all of that closer to Jesus than he went in. In this conversation, Jeremy and Bobby discuss his ministry as the One Minute Apologist, but also his heart for pastoring and helping those struggling with mental health. He explains how Jesus is big enough to deal with our doubts, and we think you will believe him.”
“The Death of God”– Jody Ponce
“People are afraid; they are aware of their mortality, and they are lonely, and isolated, and depressed. People are still shouting, ‘I seek God; I seek God.’ The world still laughs at this cry, but let us hope the church still stands with the answer, ‘God is here.'”
“Warnings About Progressive Christianity”– GoodLion Podcast
“Aaron gets invited to come onto Brenna Blain’s podcast “Can I Say That?”, a podcast that tackles tough topics around Christianity and faith. In the episode, Aaron speaks with Brenna about the topic of Progressive Christianity. What is progressive Christianity? What are some common held beliefs of those who would consider themselves to be progressive Christians? Why is this an important topic to study? Like most things we talk about on the show, we tried to cover it with a ton of grace and compassion, but that doesn’t stop Aaron from issuing some warnings to those who feel they are drifting towards a more “progressive Christianity.” He communicates reasons for why he truly believes it is not the right path to be on for those seeking faithfulness to Jesus. At the same time he tries to critique some of the extremes on the other side that often drive people to progressive Christianity.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.