“The Next Step in Woke-Speak Exposes the Movement’s True, Bullying Nature”– New York Post
“Manhattan’s elite Grace Church School recently issued a 12-page guide that takes the inevitable next step in rampant ‘wokeism:’ To promote inclusion, the NoHo prep school is encouraging students to stop using the words ‘mom,’ ‘dad’ and even ‘parents.’ This isn’t just hogwash, but something far worse.”
“Which Canon is Right? With Michael Kruger”– Truth Unites
“How do we know which books belong in the Bible, and which ones don’t? Was the process of canonization a later development, or an authentic outgrowth from the first century? Is the Protestant canon or the Roman Catholic canon the right one? Dr. Michael Kruger addresses these questions and more.
Dr. Michael J. Kruger serves as the President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary. He earned his Ph.D. under one of the world’s leading text-critical scholars, Larry W. Hurtado, at the University of Edinburgh.”
“I was Wrong About Beth Moore”– Moore to the Point
“In the early years of my time as a seminary professor, sometimes in a classroom or at a conference somewhere, someone would preface a question with a long list of critiques against the Bible teacher Beth Moore—who was then, as now, one of the most popular writers and speakers in the evangelical world. I would often preface my response with, “Well, she’s my Mom and I love her…” I did this because I could see the blood drain out of the questioner’s face as he (and it was always “he”) had the word “Moore” flash across his face. I would then, of course, say that I was kidding and move on.”
“Creation Fest In Conversation”– Creation Fest
“A series of conversations designed to refresh the church and help us re-imagine mission. What does it look like to creatively re-imagine mission? To lead authentically? How do we reach the now generation or mentor young leaders? Join us for a fully interactive discussion, including an opportunity to ask questions, with some of the biggest and best Christian speakers around.
Tickets are free, but spaces are limited, so book your place on these exciting zoom calls today! click the above link to view all dates.”
“Spirit Anointed Sermon Preparation – Church Smith”– Expositors Collective
“‘The greatest anointing of the Spirit of God comes upon my life when I am sitting before the Lord and outlining my message’ – So says Pastor Chuck smith in this bonus episode of the Expositors Collective podcast, which was originally recorded at the Calvary Chapel Pastors Conference, held in Costa Mesa, California in 1983. It is our hope that this message from decades past will encourage you in your personal study and public proclamation of God’s Word.
Thank you to CalvaryChapel.com for allowing us to use this clip, the entire message can be heard here.”
“St. Patrick: Lessons in Lockdown”– Cliffs of Hope
“John McCarthy reveals the story of Saint Patrick, from the Cliffs of Moher on the West Coast of Ireland. He reads from Patrick’s own writings, in his Confessio, how this 5th century Christian found real faith in Jesus Christ during Patrick’s own lockdown in Ireland.”
“St. Patrick, Grey Wolves, and the Cimbid King”– CalvaryChapel.com
“The power of Patrick’s mission was not in the might of the Roman Empire… nor in the status of the state Church…instead, the power of Patrick’s mission was the Gospel, the message of God’s love.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.