“The Bible Project & Their Influences”– Food Trucks in Babylon Podcast
“Patrick and Todd sit down with the creators of The Bible Project (Tim Mackie and Jon Collins) to talk about what theories and paradigm shifts have influenced them in their reading of the Scriptures.”
“Vicar Clinically Dead for 15 Minutes ‘Brought Back to Life'”– BBC News
“This vicar believes God played a part in saving his life after he clinically died for 15 minutes following a cardiac arrest.”
“What Has Christianity Ever Done for Us?”– Premier Christianity
“That was the challenge leveled at historian Tom Holland by AC Grayling, one of Britain’s leading atheist philosophers. The answer, it turns out is: quite a lot.”
“Britain Reborn? – A Letter to Boris”– The WeeFlea
“But what does this mean for the UK? Has a new dawn broken? Is this a movement of national renewal and change?”
“‘Best Of Series:’ Randy Alcorn on the Reality of Heaven and Happiness”– CalvaryChapel.com
“How real is heaven to you? Even as believers, is heaven just a concept that we read or study in the Word rather than a real, ultimate destination? Author and speaker, Randy Alcorn, discusses these questions about heaven, among others, on this ‘Best Of Series’ episode!”
“Pastors’ Perspective: Discussing Race and Social Issues”– KWAVE
“On this special edition of Pastors’ Perspective, Brian Brodersen welcomes Tommy Cota, senior pastor of Hope Alive Church in Santa Ana, CA, and Jose Hernandez, senior pastor of Hope Central Watts in the Los Angeles area.”
“Quantum Mechanics Shows That Our Universe Has Purpose”– Mind Matters News
“Every day, we say things like, ‘I drove to the store to get some milk’ or ‘I put on my shoes to go for a walk.’ In our world, everything happens for a reason, a human reason. This reason is the cause of the action. But, counterintuitively, it occurs after the action. We only get the milk after having driven to the store. We only go for a walk after putting on the shoes. In philosophy, this sequence is called ‘final causality.'”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.