“Living Grace: An Unexpected Mission Field”– CalvaryChapel.com
“As we begin a new season of “Living Grace,” host Cheryl Brodersen invites guest Miray Jaksa to share about her unexpected mission field through parenting her lovely daughter with special needs. Although there are rough seasons, Miray shares about the beautiful moments of ministry, friendship and HOPE that God has poured out through this experience. If you wish to learn more about Hope Outreach Ministry, visit calvarylivingword.org.”
“Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Walking Through Doubt — with Dominic Done”– Alisa Childers Podcast
“On today’s podcast, I talk with Dominic Done about his process of doubt and deconstruction. We talk about when he first encountered doubt, what caused it, and where he landed when it comes to faith and Christianity.”
“Christianity & Culture Series: Science and Christianity”– CalvaryChapel.com
“So much for the ‘warfare scenario!’ In fact, the opposite appears to be true: The scientific revolution was birthed from within a Judeo-Christian framework. Why was this? Well in order to operate, science has to work with a number of assumptions about the world. These assumptions are best explained by the Christian worldview.”
“We’re in a Crisis of Meaning. Do the Stars of the IDW Have a Solution?”– Premier Christianity
“Thousands of people are turning to the academics who make up the so-called Intellectual Dark Web with their questions about the meaning of life. As The Big Conversation from Unbelievable? relaunches, Esther O’Reilly asks whether they‘ll find the right answers.”
“How to Lead an Interactive Bible Study”– Expositors Collective
“Dr. Bryan Tan from Singapore sits down with his old pastor, Mike Neglia, and they talk about what goes into preparing and leading interactive Bible studies.
Four Principles of Interactive Bible Studies:
“Unbelievable? Live Discussion in Southern California”– Unbelieveable?
“Justin Brierley has been hosting Unbelievable? in the UK for over a decade – a show which invites people to reconsider their beliefs every week. Join him for a conference that will help you to reach skeptics with the case for Christianity. Learn from speakers who have journeyed from atheism to Christianity and now make the case for why science, history philosophy and experience all point to the one who changes the mind, heart and soul – Jesus Christ.”
“Creation Fest All Year Round”– Creation Fest UK
“Sign up to Creation Fest’s newsletter and stay up to date with info, events and prayer requests throughout the year!”
“The Purpose and the Nature of the Gifts”– Back to Basics
“God has given the gifts of the Holy Spirit to His people that they might be used to build up the body of Christ. A mature and healthy fellowship will naturally have the gifts of the Spirit in operation.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.