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One of the things CGN exists to do, is to provide care and coaching for those in ministry leadership. How do we help people to avoid burnout? How do we help those who are struggling with very difficult things, either in ministry or on a personal level?

This past July, we partnered with Cross Culture Missions to put on a conference specifically for those in our network who have been involved in providing aid and relief on the ground, since the war began in Ukraine.

We have ministry partners both in Ukraine and the surrounding countries who have been helping suffering and displaced people — and yet, many of these leaders are suffering and displaced themselves.

Using some of the resources and relationships God has provided us with, we were able to minister to these families at our conference center in Austria.

The following conversation is a “Field Report,” recorded at that conference, between some CGN leaders and good friends, discussing what was unique about this conference, and sharing and celebrating God’s work through Calvary Chapel in Europe over the past four decades.

Donations to the CGN Relief Fund can be made here:

We’d love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. You can email us at CGN@

Nick Cady is the lead pastor of White Fields Community Church in Longmont, Colorado. Within CGN, Nick is lead for the Cultivate Initiative, a member of the Expositors Collective team, host of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, and member of the Executive Team.

Kellen Criswell M.A. previously served as Global Strategist of Calvary Global Network and In addition, Kellen has served as a worship pastor, assistant pastor, senior pastor, church planter, missionary and Bible college instructor.

Calvary Global Network (CGN) is a family of churches working together to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches.