Together we can do much more than we can separately!
Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement in 2020. It has been an interesting year, however, we have been amazed by the work the Lord has done. We ended 2019 with a bang, with our first CGN vision and planning meeting. One of the main themes from that meeting was “Together we can do much more than we can separately.”
Scripture uses imagery to describe the spirit of togetherness characterized by the early church. There is such a profound sense of togetherness in the book of Acts; the Christians pooled their possessions and distributed them to brothers and sisters in need (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35) and the church grew exponentially. We have provided the financial and annual report below for you to see what God has done in this unprecedented year and for you to pray about partnering with us financially. Imagine what could be accomplished if hundreds of churches were working together, informing, training, connecting, and church planting. That is our goal for 2021.
May the Lord bless the new year in 2021 with His grace and guidance for us all.
Brian Brodersen and The Calvary Global Network Team