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What does CGN believe about the nature, purpose, and destiny of the church, both locally and globally? What constitutes a church, and what role do churches, and “the church” as a whole, have to play in God’s mission in the world? Furthermore, what models of church government can be found in CGN churches?

In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Kellen Criswell about CGN’s beliefs about ecclesiology. They talk about the “Moses Model” and other forms of church government, as well as questions of contextualization in different cultural settings.

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Kellen Criswell M.A. previously served as Global Strategist of Calvary Global Network and In addition, Kellen has served as a worship pastor, assistant pastor, senior pastor, church planter, missionary and Bible college instructor.

Nick Cady is the lead pastor of White Fields Community Church in Longmont, Colorado. Within CGN, Nick is lead for the Cultivate Initiative, a member of the Expositors Collective team, host of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, and member of the Executive Team.

Calvary Global Network (CGN) is a family of churches working together to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches.