It is often said, “Freedom isn’t Free.” November 11th is the day as a nation we acknowledge the service and sacrifice our veterans and active duty military have made on our behalf. America has experienced 245 years of liberty, as a direct result of each generation being placed in harms way to protect us from the oppressors, terrorists, and despots, who want to destroy our freedom.
I thank God that our eternal freedom was secured once and for all at the cross of Calvary. No power, principality, or ruler will be able to take away what Christ has completed. John 19 tells us Jesus declared “it is finished,” upon the cross.
This Veterans Day, thank the veterans in your life for the freedom, service, and sacrifice they provided our nation. And in love, share with them the completed sacrifice that was paid for our eternal freedom. They have done their duty; may we say the same.
– Jon Rogers, Armor of Light