**Free Chapter**
Enjoy this free chapter from Humble Beast’s latest book, Images & Idols: Creativity for the Christian Life, by Thomas Terry and J. Ryan Lister.
About the authors:
J. Ryan Lister (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is an associate professor of theology at Western Seminary and has also held teaching positions at Biola University, Louisiana College, and Charleston Southern University. He is on staff with Humble Beast, a Christian recording studio in Portland, Oregon. Ryan and his wife, Chase Elizabeth, live in Portland, Oregon, with their four children.
Thomas Terry is the founder and proprietor of Humble Beast, a record label and ministry in Portland, Oregon. As a spoken word artist and a member of Beautiful Eulogy, he seeks to bring creativity and theology together to glorify the Lord who created them both. Thomas lives with his wife, Heather, and two boys, Tobin and Kuyper, and serves as an elder at Trinity Church Portland. Visit humblebeast.com.