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Calvary Global Network

By November 22, 2016April 23rd, 2022Announcements5 min read

In a recent letter sent to all Calvary Chapel pastors, I announced that Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa is launching the Calvary Global Network (hereinafter known as “CGN”). Since then, I have received a number of inquiries about CGN. Here are some points to help clarify what the network looks like.

We are CALVARY CHAPEL. Our doctrinal positions remain unchanged. We hold fast to the historic evangelical faith as revealed in the New Testament, believing that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God …” (2 Timothy 3:16). See our Statement of Faith here.

As a church, our vision is GLOBAL. Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa has ministry centers and educational facilities in many parts of the world (see or We will continue to work through these facilities to educate and equip men and women for the work of the ministry, as well as using these resources for Gospel-centered outreach into the various regions and nations of the world.

As a NETWORK, we will seek to connect with like-minded churches and ministries all around the world for the furtherance of the Gospel and the advancing of Christ’s kingdom. We will do this through conferences, evangelistic outreaches, resources, and information communicated from our online hub at

What does it mean to be part of the Calvary Global Network?
It means fellowship, being connected to like-minded pastors and leaders, participating in the various activities that CGN will engage in around the world, receiving updates and information regarding things of interest to those in the ministry.

Because CGN is not an association and churches will not affiliate with CGN, there will be no formal affiliation process nor will there be overseers, regions, or regional directors. All ministry to one another will take place organically through relationships, and all church disciplinary issues that might arise among the churches within the network will be dealt with through their own local leaders. CGN will never involve itself in matters pertaining to any local church.

Some have asked how they can become part of the CGN?
In answering that, let me clarify that only churches can join the network. Individuals can certainly benefit from some of the things that will go on under the banner of CGN, but the network itself is for churches.

So, if you are a church and your information is already in our database at, then you have been grandfathered in. If you don’t want to be a part of CGN, then just inform us, and we will remove your church information from our database. For those that would like to join the network, please review our Statement of Faith here. If you are in agreement with our doctrinal positions we invite you to add your personal and church information to our database here.

Lastly, the vision of CGN is one of freedom. We read in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (3:17, ESV).

I believe strongly that each and every pastor and local church needs to be free to be led by the Spirit regarding “how” they do the ministry. When I say “how,” I’m speaking of methods. We need to be free (within the biblical boundaries) to employ whatever methods the Spirit is leading us to use in our particular time and cultural setting. Too often, well-intended, but misguided leaders, will disapprove of a method because it’s new or different or uncomfortable or distasteful to them. One of the lessons church history teaches is that God often has to go outside of the existing religious structures to get His work accomplished because men, through their traditions, quench the Spirit. Seeking to protect the past, they forfeit the future. Tradition tends easily to drift into legalism and control. For that reason, CGN will always exist simply as a fellowship of like-minded pastors and churches.


Brian Brodersen is pastor emeritus of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. He also serves as president of the Calvary Global Network, chancellor of Calvary Chapel Bible College, and co-founder and director of Creation Fest UK. Brian is the featured speaker on the Back to Basics radio program and a regular contributor on the live call-in program Pastors’ Perspective. Brian holds an M.A. in Ministry and Leadership from Wheaton College.