Today, on When She Leads, we talk through the complexities and nuances of leading through seasons of doubt. We will be discussing some common “doubts” we all experience and some tools we can share with others to help them come to a better understanding of God’s goodness and sovereignty. This will hopefully help them become more confident, not in their faith, but in the object of their faith, God Himself, who continues to pour out His blessings despite our doubt.
When She Leads is a podcast for women in ministry hosted by Brenda Leavenworth. With over 30 years of ministry experience and a degree in biblical studies, Brenda is uniquely qualified to train and guide the next generation of women leaders in the church. Co-hosts include Jenn Benham, Jody Ponce, Rosemary Cady, and Kelly Bell, each bringing their collective experiences, research, victories, and failures to consider and discuss a range of topics from a biblical and practical perspective.
Have a topic for the show? Share it with us at whensheleads@gmail.com!