September 11, 2001:
“We remember. We remember the shock and horror of watching such an act of wickedness play out in real-time. We remember the dread as we watched the Towers collapse. We remember the thousands of lives lost. We remember how wrong it felt, the feelings of violation, anger, and confusion. We remember the injustice. We remember the tears and grief in the days, weeks, and months that followed. We remember the heroic outpouring of courage and love from the first responders and the community. We remember the stories of hope and faith in the middle of the chaos. We remember the love of Jesus Christ, who came to heal a world broken by sin and evil. And we remember our mission to bring His love and healing into a world that needs it.”
#neverforget #prayforhealing #imakeallthingsnew #Rev. 21:3-5
“Goodbye Christ. I’ve Got Justice Duty.”– Christianity Today
“Justice without Jesus is just us—and it’s not the answer.”
“Reading While Black” – Leadership Podcast
“Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley discusses his latest book, Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope. In light of this release, several topics are discussed, including:
. How to honor the inerrancy of scripture and recognize the role of cultural hermeneutics
. How pastors and Christian leaders of all races can benefit from different viewpoints
. The role of scripture in discipleship”
“White Fragility: Behind the Worldview”– Christianity Today
“Unraveling the contemporary critical theory behind White Fragility is key to deciphering its meaning.”
“Evangelicals Need to Address the QAnoners in Our Midst”– USA Today
“QAnon has been making headlines but Evangelical Christians should not be swept up in the bizarre movement.”
“Should I Just ‘Be True to Myself’?”– The Gospel Coalition
“Ray Ortlund explains why he wants release from self-oriented philosophy rather than to embrace it in this One Minute Apologetics video.”
“Greg Laurie Talks What it Means to be Christian; Thousands Commit to Christ at Virtual Harvest Crusade”– The Christian Post
“Pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie’s annual Harvest crusade was held virtually this year because of the coronavirus, and thousands have committed to Christ for the first time.
The longtime Southern California pastor noted the many ills that have proliferated given the pandemic and the shakiness of the economy. Yet the big questions, such as “Why do I exist?” remain with everyone.”
“How to Rejoice Always in Ministry”– CalvaryChapel.com
“How is this possible? How can believers, living in a broken and corrupted world, surrounded by heartache and pain, rejoice? How can people Christ calls to a life of mourning (Matthew 5:4) also have joy? What follows are a few suggestions to help modern believers, amid chaos and agony, to rejoice.”
“Famed Biologist Jørn Dyerberg Explains His Turn to Intelligent Design”– Evolution News
“On a new episode of ID the Future, Dr. Dyerberg recounts his turn toward ID, recognizing irreducible complexity in the Krebs cycle, a process shared by the cells of all aerobic life.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.