“Anger at Archbishop Glenn Davies for Saying Anglicans Should Believe What Anglicans Believe”– MurrayCampell.net
“Outrage is one of the few certainties of our age. At times there is a good reason for anger; sometimes it’s misguided, and sometimes it’s a rhetorical weapon used for avoiding sensible discourse and argument. And yes, for third parties watching on it can be difficult to discern what is what. Predictable parts of the media and progressive Christians are today fuming at Sydney’s Anglican Archbishop because he believes Anglicans should be Anglican.”
“Calvary Chapel Global Missions Conference 2020”– Missions 2020
“If you are on the mission field or contemplating the idea of going on mission, we invite you to attend the 2020 Calvary Chapel Global Missions Conference. The conference runs from Monday, January 6, to Friday, January 10, at the Murrieta Hot Springs Christian Conference Center in Murrieta, California. Please join us in Southern California at the start of the New Year for a time of edification, fellowship, and refreshment.”
“Best of Series: Cheryl Brodersen on the Role of a Pastor’s Wife“– CalvaryChapel.com
“On this ‘Best Of’ series, Cheryl Brodersen joins Pastor Brian Brodersen in a discussion on the role of pastor’s wife. Cheryl addresses terms like ‘identity’ versus ‘role,’ and shares some encouraging thoughts for women and men. Enjoy this special highlight from Things That Matter!”
“Western Seminary + Calvary Global Network Tuition Discount”– Western Seminary
“The CGN/Western Seminary partnership features innovative training and education opportunities provided at substantially discounted tuition costs. The CGN/Western Seminary partnership is available to pastors/elders of CGN churches, as well as staff or lay leaders referred for the training partnership by their local CGN pastor/elders.”
“Should We Listen to Jesus More Than Paul? – Q&A”– David Guzik
“In this week’s Q&A, Pastor David Guzik answers questions on whether we should listen to Jesus more than Paul, about the conditional immortality view, whether Jesus will meet every believer individually in heaven if Jesus can prevent bad dreams, and many more.”
“The Most Important Pursuit of Young People (Pt. 1)”– The Rubin Report
“Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Ravi Zacharias (Founder & President of RZIM)… He discusses the period of suffering that helped him find his faith, and what the most important pursuit of young people should be. He also shares his thoughts on if someone can have a sense of morality and live a life filled with purpose and meaning without a belief in God or having faith in a religion.”
“Good Lion Podcast Network”– GoodLion.io
“We work together as a team to produce free, high-quality content that points people to Jesus, encourages the church and equips creatives to reach people through podcasting!”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.