“PART 2: Worship Leadership, Philosophy and Theology with Scott Cunningham”– CalvaryChapel.com
“As we conclude part two of Worship Leadership, Philosophy and Theology, Scott Cunningham, of School of Worship and Calvary Creative, discusses the question of using lyrics from songs written out of questionably theological sources. Find out on this episode of Mission & Methods!”
“The 2019 Canvas Conference”– Humble Beast
“A two-day creative conference that seeks to build bridges between the artist and the theologian by inviting God to take center stage in every human endeavor.” Happening at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on August 30-31: Register.
“Book: A.S.K. (Real World Questions, Real Word Answers) by David Robertson”– Solas
“The book’s subtitle Real World Questions / Real Word Answers explains more about its content. Every chapter of the book contains a real question about life and faith, from a teenager; followed by an answer, rooted in the Bible.”
“Growing as Expositors through Peer Review w/ Jody Ponce”– Expositors Collective
“We believe that sermons can be improved and their impact maximized by increasing the amount of heads and hearts that contribute to their shape and strength. Listen in on this conversation between Mike Neglia and Jody Ponce about their process of making sure that their church gets the best sermons possible week after week.”
“Can You Study Too Much For A Sermon?”– GoodLion Podcasting Network
“Can you reach a point in your study where it stops being helpful? The answer to that might actually be yes! At some point, a Bible teacher needs to know it’s time to stop preparing and trust what they have. This episode dives into what it means to overstudy, how you can know you might be over studying, and why this topic should not lead to lazy prep work.”
“Relevance, Worldliness, Contextualizing the Gospel”– CalvaryChapel.com
“Contextualization or relevance? Are they the same thing, or is there really a difference? Theologically speaking, there is, but they aren’t in opposition.”
“Listen to Premier Christian Radio LIVE” – Premier Christian Radio
“One of Premier’s aims is to break down barriers and to build bridges between churches and denominations/groups by increasing awareness and encouraging co-operative projects. Premier can support church initiatives by advertising events on Premier’s Billboard. We can be a resource for teaching and worship ideas, providing opportunities for individual members to develop and use their gifts and spare time. We can even help ministers to develop their own radio ministry.”
“PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem”– The Washington Free Beacon
“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas threatened this week that ‘million of fighters’ would swarm Jerusalem and topple the Jewish state’s capital city, warning that ‘no matter how many houses and how many settlements they declare that they [plan to build] here and there—they shall all be destroyed.'”
“From Gay to Gospel: The Fascinating Story of Becket Cook”– The Gospel Coalition
“Ten years ago, Becket Cook was a gay man in Hollywood who had achieved great success as a set designer in the fashion industry…A decade later, Cook has moved on from that life—and he doesn’t miss it.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.