“Marty Sampson & the Frailty of False Faith”– CalvaryChapel.com
“Marty [Hillsong United] was my favorite…My heart broke when I saw this. Not because it’s wrong to wrestle with your faith. Not because doubts and uncertainty don’t come our way. But because his full statement revealed something deeper. He had rejected the God of the Bible for a god of his own design. And this god had failed him.”
“The Pastors Heart – Living In Babylon”– The WeeFlea
“The Pastors Heart is an excellent programme from Dominic Steele. Steve MacAlpine and myself recorded this programme with Dominic a couple of weeks ago…Enjoy..”
“Unbelievable?”– Premier Christian Radio
“Unbelievable?’ engages in fundamental questions on Christianity with the intention to openly discuss different opinions between Christians and non-believers.”
“1 Timothy Available in Aramaic”– Enduring Word
“The translation work of Enduring Word is moving forward! We just added David Guzik’s commentary on 1 Timothy to our Arabic site!”
“God, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll: An Interview with Alice Cooper”– Pastor Greg Laurie
“In this exclusive one hour interview, Pastor and Evangelist Greg Laurie sits down with rock legend Alice Cooper. Alice Cooper is widely considered to be the father of “Shock Rock” and has sold more than 50 million albums worldwide. While he is known for his music career, most do not know that he is a committed Christian.”
“Dr. Christopher Yuan: Holy Sexuality and The Gospel”– The Chris Craft Show
“Dr. Christopher Yuan, author of Holy Sexuality and The Gospel, joins us for episode 32 of The Chris Craft Show. We discuss his amazing life story, salvation from a rebellious mindset, and God’s desire for us to be holy with our sexuality. Dr. Yuan speaks about the importance of his identity being found in Christ rather than in his sexuality.”
“Cultural Engagement And The Importance Of Maintaining A Prophetic Voice”– Expositors Collective
“In this conversation, Mike & Clay speak with Pastor Mike Doyle about cultural engagement and the importance of maintaining a prophetic voice as well as the exciting possibilities of collaborative sermon preparation.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.