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The Link: Missions Conference Archives, Truth Over Power, Whataboutism & More

By January 16, 2021Culture2 min read

“2021 Missions Conference Archives”Calvary Global Network & CCCM
“We are excited to have the archives available from the 2021 Missions Conference! This year’s conference was a blessing to be able to hear from many speaker on the theme, “Missions in a New World.” Enjoy messages from ministry leaders, backstage interviews and missionary share times!”

“Truth Over Power: It is Past Time for the Church to Speak Plainly About the Election”Religion News Service
“The ongoing protest of the election is not about a search for truth; it is an attempt to shape truth to suit the desires of the powerful.”

“Whataboutism Is a Mark of Foolishness” The Gospel Coalition
“We’re supposedly the most scientifically advanced, enlightened, informed generation in human history. We have the entire accumulated knowledge of humankind on devices in our pockets, after all. One would think this abundance of information would be making us more wise.”

“Christian Nationalism Is Worse Than You Think”Christianity Today
“Millions of Americans believe in this political ideology. What church leaders need to know—and how they can help those under its influence.”

“Catherine Booth: Women Worth Knowing”Gracious Words
“Catherine Booth (1829-1890): If you had to choose one 19th century woman who most influenced church history, you’d be hard pressed to find a better choice than Catherine Booth! She and her husband, William, founded the Salvation Army, one of the most influential Christian ministry organizations in history.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

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