“Prayer for Tim Keller”– CalvaryChapel.com
“Seven years ago, my family and I moved from Southern California, where I was a pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, to New York City so that I could study under Tim Keller and his newly formed partnership with Reformed Theological Seminary – it was a decision I will never regret. I was in the first cohort of this new alliance, and while I learned many things both in class with Dr. Keller and as a pastor working with him at Redeemer Downtown, a few things stand out.”
“Tony Evans – White Chair Film”– I Am Second
“Do you define yourself by the standards of others? It is easy to be put in a category that forces you into a box where the freedom of being yourself is too large to fit. So the question is, do you accept it?
Raised in urban Baltimore, Tony Evans often found himself struggling with the idea that he could only go so far and only do so much because of who people said he was. He could not settle on what people said he had become. So, as he searched for significance he found a new point of reference from which he defined himself. “What others thought and how others felt about me became irrelevant.” His journey will open a new door, shining a new light on how special and significant you are, despite what others think.”
“George Floyd And Me”– The Gospel Coalition
“As a Christian hip-hop artist, I’ve had the privilege of proclaiming Christ in my music for many years now. One of the encouraging and surprising aspects of that journey has been seeing how the Lord has used music to make connections across ethnic lines. Before the recent pandemic, a Christian hip-hop concert was often a beautiful picture of the diversity of the new earth, with people from many walks of life united around the message of Christ and him crucified. On many occasions, I’ve marveled at the reality of me, a black man from Philly who grew up steeped in hip-hop culture, united with brothers and sisters of different ethnicities, ages, and cultures as we fix our eyes on Jesus together.”
“Ben Carson Reflects on the Death of George Floyd”– The Daily Signal
“If the protesters noticed the clouds, they didn’t care. Hundreds of them walked down D.C. streets in sheets of rain, almost oblivious to the nighttime thunderstorm. Soaked, some of them knelt at the memorial to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., quietly listening to his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech in a kind of calm that had eluded the city for days. For several minutes after midnight, that iconic voice seemed to float over the Tidal Basin, a call as clear as it was all of those years ago: “Now is the time to rise from the dark.”
“Reading in Exile”– Russell Moore
“In this video, I talk about Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail.'”
“A Conversation on Race, Police Brutality, the Gospel, and the Church with Pastor Bill Buffington”– Nate Holdridge
“During this season, I am sharing video messages via social media with my church community and I would like to share them here with you as well. I hope that you may benefit from them.”
“I Have Only One Hope for Racial Justice: A God Who Conquered Death”– Christianity Today
“Christians coming to terms with racism need to be re-enchanted by the Resurrection.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.