“How Are Pastors Handling Ungathered Worship?”– Christianity Today
“Six church leaders share about their adaptations, innovations, and frustrations as they respond to COVID-19.”
“Prayer Around the World”– Calvary Chapel
“We will be hosting a one-hour FB Live prayer time every day. We have pastors who have agreed to host a prayer time each day. We know that God is on the throne and will help us through this time. Please join us on our Facebook page, starting tomorrow, as we come together in prayer. God Bless. – The CalvaryChapel.com Team”
“CGN Shelter in Place Resource List”– CalvaryChapel.com
“While many are under ‘shelter in place,’ lock-down, quarantine or self-isolation orders from their local governments, the team at CGN wanted to provide a list of resources to help encourage, educate, and edify you, your families and your churches. While many of us are still working from home, and some might be busier during this global crisis than we usually might be, we all are experiencing a dramatic increase in time at home.”
“Update from China”–InFu Yin
“那一天,就是封城的第二天, That day, the second day after the lockdown,
也是我和妻子的结婚纪念日 which was also the anniversary of our marriage,
我们到了第一批口罩, we got the first supply of masks (sent by Christians over the nation )”
“The CARES Act & Your Church Staff: What You Need to Know & 4 Steps to Take Now”– Christianity Today
“The new stimulus bill includes churches and has implication for church staff. Please learn more before making any staff decisions.”
“God Doesn’t Want Us to Sacrifice the Old”– The New York Times
“Christianity teaches that every single human life is valuable, even during a pandemic.”
“COVID-19 Screening Tool”– Apple
“This tool can help you understand what to do next about COVID-19. Let’s all look out for each other by knowing our status, trying not to infect others, and reserving care for those in need.”
“These Days I Preach to an Empty Room. But I See My Church Clearer Than Ever.”– The Washington Post
“In other words, every Sunday of this crisis, I still see the church. I see people who are hurting, and I see people who are helping. I see people who are struggling, and I see people who are serving. Maybe the best way to put it is: Every Sunday, I see thousands of men and women scattered across our city who believe that now more than ever is the time to look to God for hope and to love our neighbors as ourselves.”
“Hope in Troubling Times: Peace Within the Global Pandemic”– CalvaryChapel.com
“To be afraid and troubled by such things is a perfectly normal first response, even for a Christian. But it’s not the place we are to remain. In speaking to His troubled and frightened followers, Jesus said, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled’ (John 14:1, NIV). A troubled heart is quite often due to fear, and the apostle John told us, ‘fear involves torment.’ But he also said, ‘perfect love casts out fear’ (1 John 4:18).”
“How to Understand – and Report – Figures for ‘Covid Deaths’”– The Spectator
“The UK and other governments have no control over how their data is reported, but they can minimise the potential for misinterpretation by making absolutely clear what its figures are, and what they are not. After this episode is over, there is a clear need for an internationally coordinated update of how deaths are attributed and recorded, to enable us to better understand what is happening more clearly, when we need to.”
“Crisis is Coming”– Ed Stetzer
“I am not much of a “this is the most important thing I’ve ever said” person, but right now on Facebook Live is what I think is one of the most important things I will ever share. THIS is not the crisis and we need to pivot and prepare for the new month.”
“Greg Laurie: Coronavirus Scares Us – Here’s How not to Worry”– Fox News
“Medical experts have determined that worry can disease our body’s nervous and digestive systems, cause depression and shorten your life. It makes sense why Jesus asked, ‘Can all of your worries add a single moment to your life?’ Now, I know the experts tell us this, but the Bible said it a long time ago in Proverbs 12:25: ‘Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression.'”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.