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The Need to Re:Engage in Church Planting

By August 28, 2014April 29th, 2022Ministry & Leadership5 min read

Why you should go to “ReEngage14

There are countless reasons why you should invest your resources and time to attend this church planting conference at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa September 29-30, 2014. Let’s focus on three critical aspects of church planting in our movement.


Church planting benefits the sending church. There is a myth that church planting will harm the sending church, but to the contrary, church planting actually enhances the sending church. Churches that plant churches are generally attractive places to grow in Christ in their communities. There is a sense in those local churches of excitement, mission, and advancing the Kingdom of God. The myths that it is too costly, time-consuming or complicated will be quickly dispelled as we share the vision for renewed church planting in our movement. Church planting benefits the Kingdom. Church planting is recognized as the most efficient and effective way to reach the lost and advance the Kingdom. There are countless communities in the United States and around the globe that are in need of healthy, Bible-teaching churches that have a balanced view of the present work of the Holy Spirit. Church planting benefits the Calvary Chapel movement. If we don’t plant churches and expand our movement, it shall plateau and decline. The realization of these benefits and the personal responsibility for church planting should compel us to engage in this initiative.


Relationships require cultivation. We are a relational network of churches that share a common philosophy of ministry and theology. Carving out two days to spend time with like-minded pastors and prospective planters yields a lifetime of relational dividends. While we rejoice in the ability to glean content online, we must also recognize that it doesn’t replace personal interaction. The face-to-face time with leaders and peers provides encouragement, equipping and empathy as we share our common experiences of challenges and celebrations. Existing relationships will be strengthened and new relationships shall be formed. If you are a pastor who is seeking to train and empower church planters, you will benefit from enhancing relationships with like-minded leaders. But you must also realize that you need to encourage and support the development of relationships on the part of prospective planters. The church planters need the opportunity to cultivate relationships with a band of brothers who are embarking on the epic quest of church planting. This conference provides those opportunities. During the last two years of the Calvary Church Planting Network (CCPN) I’ve been blessed to attend numerous gatherings around the globe where I have met men in various stages of church planting that I hope will be lifetime friends. The experience of gathering with familiar friends and making new friends who are passionate about church planting, the CC movement, and the greater Kingdom of God – people from all over the globe – is inspiring.


Starting a new church is often the most difficult challenge that a church planter will experience in his life. This reality is a catalyst to ensure that we are responsible to provide resources in order that they are equipped for the task. Mentors need to be better equipped to train planters, and planters need to receive training and resources that are consistent with our movement. We need to ensure the accurate and effective transmission of the “Calvary Chapel DNA” (our philosophy of ministry and theology), so that healthy CC churches are established. This year’s conference line-up of main session speakers and workshop leaders are well-known, gifted, leaders in our movement. Most importantly they will address practical and critical aspects of the equipping process. Furthermore, these leaders will be available to talk with you and encourage you. You simply won’t get that experience by seeking resources on-line.


Our movement has been at the forefront of church planting since our early days. The work of God’s Spirit is available for a new generation of church planters. Faithful CC leaders who pioneered the church planting effort in our movement desperately want to see the next generation of leaders continue and expand this good work. At CCPN we believe that we are just getting started. Join us as we continue to apply and impart 50 years of church planting experience to a new generation of up-and-coming CC church planting pastors as they engage a lost world with the truth of the Gospel.

Bruce Zachary was raised in a Jewish home and has been a follower of Jesus for more than 30 years. Bruce was an attorney for 25 years and has been an ordained pastor since 1995. In 1996, he planted Calvary Nexus, a Calvary Chapel church in Camarillo, California, where he continues serving as teaching and leader development pastor. Bruce has authored 18 books and directed a global church planting initiative in the Calvary Chapel movement. In addition, Bruce continues to serve in a leadership role within the Calvary Global Network as a member of the CGN Executive Team and as the leader of the Connect Team.