What do CGN leaders believe about the charismatic gifts mentioned in the Bible — specifically, the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and speaking in tongues? Are these gifts still in operation? Are they available to Christians today? — And if so, how should they be used practically, in our churches?
In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, I sit down with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell to discuss on of the theological streams that we belong to as a network, which is: Continuationism. We believe that all the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament are available for believers today. In this episode, we discuss the difference between the terms “Continuationist” and “Charismatic,” and we talk about the biblical reasons why we hold this position, and share some stories as examples of what this can look like in practice.
Make sure to listen for a clip from Pastor Chuck Smith, in which he talks about a key passage for this discussion, found in 1 Corinthians 13:8-10.
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