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By June 2, 2015September 7th, 2023Chuck Smith Archives1 min read

The New Age—Revelation 21:1-8
byChuck Smith

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The New Age—Revelation 21:1-8
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Train Our Children—Proverbs 22:6
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Supporting God or a Supporting God—Isaiah 46:1-4
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Waiting On God—Isaiah 40:28-31
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Fear Thou Not—Isa.41:10-13
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The Credibility of the Resurrection—Acts 26:8
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No Place to Rest—Isaiah 28:20
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God’s Fire—Isaiah 33:14
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Trusting or Fear—Isaiah 12:1-3
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The King of Glory—Luke 19:35-44
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A Vision of God—Isaiah 6:1-8
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Reasoning With God—Isaiah 1:18
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The Church—Song of Solomon 6:10
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Four Little Creatures—Proverbs 30:24-28
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Who Knows?—Ecclesiastes 6:10-12
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The End of the Matter—Ecclesiastes 8:11-17
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The Poor Rich Man—Proverbs 13:7
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The Gospel—Isaiah 61:1-3
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The Name of Jesus—Proverbs 18:10
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How To Be Led of the Lord—Proverbs 1
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The Beginning of Wisdom—Proverbs 9:10
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A Son Is Given—Isaiah 9:6
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Search Me, O God—Psalm 139
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This Is the Day That the Lord Has Made—Psalm 118:22-24
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The Fixed Heart—Psalm 112
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God’s Timing—Psalm 102:13
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Giving Thanks Unto God—Psalm 100
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God’s Lamentations (The Hand of Our God)—Psalm 81
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Basic Foundation—Psalm 73
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Lead Me to the Rock—Psalm 61
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God’s Tender Mercies—Psalm 56
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The Message of God—Psalm 50
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God’s Word—Isaiah 55:10-11
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Our Defense—Isaiah 59:19
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What Is Man?—Psalm 8
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Perfectly Beautiful—Ezekiel 16:1-14
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Prepare to Meet God—Amos 4:12
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Turn to God—Joel 2:12
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God Our Help—Hosea 13:9
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I Have Spoken—Hosea 12:20
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Reaping the Whirlwind—Hosea 8:7
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Time to Seek the Lord—Hosea 10:12
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How Long Till the End—Daniel 12
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The Deep Love of God—Hosea 2:8-9
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Commitment—Daniel 3:16-18
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A Son Is Given—Isaiah 9:6
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When God Pours His Spirit On Israel—Ezekiel 39:27-29
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Wall of Separation—Ezekiel 42:20
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The Lord Has Spoken—Ezekiel 26:1, 3, 7, 14
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The Good Shepherd—Ezekiel 34:23-31
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God Wants You—Ezekiel 22:30-31
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Trusting a Lie—Jeremiah 7:1-4
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I Was Left—Ezekiel 9:8
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Idolatry—Ezekiel 14:1-6
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The Unfailing Love of God—Lamentations 3:21-26
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Delivering Our Souls—Ezekiel 3:17-21
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Back to Egypt—Jeremiah 43:7
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Settled on His Lees—Jeremiah 48:11
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The Resting Place—Jeremiah 50:4-6
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Knowing God’s Voice—Jeremiah 32:6-8
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Sinking in the Mire—Jeremiah 38:1-6
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The Chaff and the Wheat—Jeremiah 23:33
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Thinking of You—Jeremiah 29:11
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Perplexities and Answers—Jeremiah 12:1-11
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The Master Potter—Jeremiah 18:1
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Broken Cisterns—Jeremiah 2:13
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Resisting in the Lord—Psalm 37:7
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The Good Shepherd—Psalm 23
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The Call of God—Amos 7:14-15
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The Passover Lamb—Exodus 12:3-11
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The Word Was Made Flesh—John 1:14
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A Time of Peril—Deuteronomy 8:11-20
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The Choice is Yours—Deuteronomy 11:26-28
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God’s Message in the Stars—Deuteronomy 18:9
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The Place of Refuge—Numbers 35:11-12
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The Mixed Multitude—Numbers 11:1, 4
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The Serpent of Brass—Numbers 21:5-9
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God’s Sure Word—Leviticus 26
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The Lord Bless Thee—Numbers 6:23-27
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God’s Grace—Leviticus 14:1-2
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Strange Fire—Leviticus 9:22–10:3
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God’s Guiding Presence—Exodus 33:14-15
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The Principle of Vicroty—Exodus 23:27-30
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Intercessory Prayer—Exodus 32:30-33
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The Law of the Lord—Exodus 20:20
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The Curse of Merez—Judges 5:23
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God’s “I Wills”—Exodus 6:6-7
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I See, I Hear, I Know—Exodus 3:7
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All Things Are Against Me—Genesis 42:36
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Secret of Strength—Genesis 49:22-24
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The Pits—Genesis 37:33
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Sinning Against God—Genesis 39:2
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The Consciousness—Genesis 28:16
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When God Cripples—Genesis 32:24-28
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Our Great Fellowship—Genesis 22:1-14
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Remembering Lot’s Wife—Genesis 19
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Building Towers to Heaven—Genesis 11:1-4
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Our Great Reward—Genesis 15:1
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Fig Leaves or Fur Coats—Genesis 3:6-7, 21
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The Days of Noah—Genesis 6:1-3
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So Close—Deuteronomy 30:11
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The Choice—Joshua 24:15
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Discovering God—Job 42:5
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The Death of a Nation—2 Kings 17
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If a Man Die—Job 14:14
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The Search of God—Job 23
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The Daysman—Job 9:32-33
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For Such a Time As This—Job 4:13-14
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The Joy of the Lord—Nehemiah 8:9-10
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Prayer—Nehemiah 4:8-9
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The Hand of Our God—Ezra 8:22
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Victory Through Praise—2 Chronicles 20:16
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No Remedy—2 Chronicles 36:15
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God’s Prescription For a Sick Nation—2 Chronicles 7:14
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Help Us, O God—2 Chronicles 14:11
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Giving to God—1 Chronicles 29:1-14
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The Prayer of Jabez—1 Chronicles 4:9
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David’s Men—1 Chronicles 12
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Meddling—2 Kings 14:10
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The Fatal Flaw—Joshua 9:14
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Heavy Tidings—1 Kings 14:6
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What Are We Doing Here—1 Kings 19:9-10
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Eye To See—2 Kings 6:17
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So Much More—1 Kings 3:5-14
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Thou Art the Man—2 Samuel 12
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The Living Hope—1 Peter 1:3
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Speechless—2 Samuel 7:18-20
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God’s Salvation—1 Samuel 17:45-47
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I’ve Played the Fool—1 Samuel 26:21
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God’s Search—1 Samuel 13:14
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Pouring Out Your Soul—1 Samuel 1:15
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Goel—Ruth 3:9
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He Could, He Should, He Didn’t—Judges 16:15-22
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No Help in Trouble—Judges 10:13-14
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Learning an Easy Lesson the Hard Way—Jonah
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The Lord Is Good—Nahum 1:7
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Overcoming the Enemy—Revelation 12:7-12
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Why God Allows Suffering—2 Corinthians 1:3-7
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How to Find Peace—Philippians 4:6-7
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The Walk of the Believer—Ephesians 4:1
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Therefore Stand—Ephesians 6:10-14
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Comprehending the Uncomprehending—Ephesians 3:14-20
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Walking In the Spirit—Galatians 5:16-26
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His Workmanship—Ephesians 2:8-10
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Abba—Galatians 4:4-7
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The New Life In Christ—Galatians 2:20
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Our Spiritual Warfare—2 Corinthians 10:3-5
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All Sufficient Grace—2 Corinthians 12:7-10
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In His Image—2 Corinthians 3:18
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New Life—2 Corinthians 5:14-17
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Riches of His Grace—2 Corinthians 8:9
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Maranatha!—1 Corinthians 16:22
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The More Excellent Way—1 Corinthians 12:31
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The Victory of the Cross—Colossians 2:13-17
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The Greatest of These—1 Corinthians 13:13
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Time Is Short—1 Corinthians 7:29-31
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Water From the Rock—1 Corinthians 10:1-4
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The Temple of God—1 Corinthians 3:16-17
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Limitations of Liberty—1 Corinthians 6:12
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The Only Place to Glory—1 Corinthians 1:18-31
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The Day Is At Hand—Romans 13:11-14
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The God of Hope—Romans 15:4, 13
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The Riches of His Glory—Romans 9:19-23
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Unsearchable Riches—Romans 11:33-36
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God is For Us—Romans 8:31-34
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Why Some Lives Are Empty—Romans 8:18-21
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Keys to Faith—Romans 4:19-21
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Our Life In Christ—Romans 5:1-9
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Real Living—Philippians 1:21
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Christ Preeminent—Colossians 1:15-18
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Trying to Change God—Romans 1:21-25
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By Faith—Hebrews 11:1,23-27
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Rest from Labor—Revelation 14:13
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Called and Chosen—Revelation 17:12-14
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The Reason Why—Revelation 4:11
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Heaven Is a Wonderful Place—Revelation 7:16-17
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The True Record—1 John 5:9-12
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Keeping Yourself in the Love of God—Jude 21
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The Lord’s Cry for Love—Revelation 2:4
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Fellowship With God—1 John 1:1-7
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The Purpose of His Coming—1 John 3:5
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God’s Loving Care—1 Peter 5:6-7
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The More Sure Word—2 Peter 1:16-21
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Temptation—James 1:2-4
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What Is Your Life?—James 4:13-15
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Redemtpion—1 Peter 1:18-20
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Looking Unto Jesus—Hebrews 12:1-3
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From Idols to God—1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
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Saved to the Uttermost—Hebrews 7:25
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Once for All—Hebrews 10:1-14
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Receiving the Promises—Hebrews 6:12-18
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The Rest—Hebrews 4:1, 9-11
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Charge It to My Account—Philemon 16-17
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God’s Last Word—Hebrews 1:1-3
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The Holy Bible—2 Timothy 3:16-17
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Before and After—Titus 3:3-8
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Vessels of Honor—2 Timothy 2:20-21
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Fellowship With God—1 Timothy 1:15
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The Great Mystery—1 Timothy 3:16
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True Riches—1 Timothy 6:5-6
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God’s Will For You—1 Thessalonians 5:18-22
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The Lord is Faithful—2 Thessalonians 3:3-5
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Believe It or Not—Acts 28:23-24
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The Resurrection fo the Dead—Acts 24:14-15
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What God Requires of Man—Micah 6:8
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The Rich Young Ruler—Matthew 19:16-23
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Temptation—Luke 4:1-13
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The Problem Defined—Mark 14:35
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Forsaken by God—Mark 15:34
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The Great Commandment—Mark 12:28-34
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The Way of Greatness—Mark 9:33-37
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Who Can Be Saved—Mark 10:23-27
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The Word of Faith—Mark 3:1-3
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The Touch of Faith—Mark 5:21-34
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The Compassionate Shepherd—Mark 6:30-34
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Bitter Defeat—Matthew 26:74-75
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Decision Time—Matthew 27:22
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What Think Ye of Christ?—Matthew 22:41-46
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The Days of Noah—Matthew 24:36-49
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The Cost of Discipleship—Matthew 16:24
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The Unpardonable Sin—Matthew 12:31-32
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Directed Service—Luke 5:1-11
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Greater Than Jonah—Matthew 12:41
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The Sure Foundation—Matthew 7:21-27
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Heavy Burdens—Matthew 11:25-30
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Bird Watching—Matthew 6:25-33
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When You Pray—Matthew 6:5-15
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In That Day—Zechariah 12:10
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God’s Jewels—Malachi 3:16-17
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The Salt of the Earth—Matthew 5:13
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What’s Your Price?—Zechariah 11:12-13
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When God Sings—Zechariah 3:14-17
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How the Work of God Is Done—Zechariah 4:1-7
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Rejoicing in the Lord—Zechariah 10:7
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Burning Hearts—Luke 24:32
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Dancing Faith—Habakkuk 3:17-19
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Serving God—Luke 1:74-75
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Why Christ Came—Luke 9:51-56
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From Darkness to Light—Acts 26:18
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Troubled Hearts—John 14:1
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The Gospel of Grace—Acts 20:24
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On to Rome—Acts 23:11
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Receiving the Spirit—Acts 19:1-7
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Turning to the Living God—Acts 14:15
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The Nearness of God—Acts 17
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Remission of Sins—Acts 10:42-44
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Stick to the Lord—Acts 11:23
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Man After God’s Heart—Acts 13:22
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This Life—Acts 5:12-20
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The Volume of the Book—Acts 8:29-35
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Dunamis—Acts 1:8
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The Man God Uses—Acts 3
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It Is Finished—John 19:28-30
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Quest for Love—John 21:15
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The Witness of the Spirits—John 16:7-14
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The Glad Tidings—Luke 8:1-3
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Fullness of Joy—John 16:22
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The Resurrection and the Life—John 11:25-27
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Rivers of Living Water—John 7:37-39
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The Good Shepherd—John 10:11
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Born to God—John 1:1-18
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God’s Love—John 3:16
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Turning Back—John 6:66
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The God of the Living—Luke 20:37-38
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Lord, Remember Me—Luke 23:39-43
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The Purpose of His Coming—Luke 19:1-10
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He Receives Sinners—Luke 15:1-2
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Stewardship—Luke 16:1-13
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What Makes For Life—Luke 12:15
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The Concept of Life—Luke 12:35-37
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Where Art Thou?—Genesis 3:9

Pastor Chuck Smith began his ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, in 1965, with just twenty-five people.