Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910): It’s Part Two of the story of Elizabeth Blackwell! We continue with her amazing testimony of perseverance in the face of prejudice as she began her career as a woman doctor. At every turn, God gave her the insight and ability to handle opposition with grace, wisdom, and fortitude, and over time He opened doors for her to become a trailblazer in medicine both in America and in England. As you listen to her story, you will be amazed at what God can do through a woman who simply chooses to persevere in what He calls her to do!
- The First Woman Doctor: The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell by Rachel Baker
Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit GraciousWords.com.