Sharing your personal testimony can be a powerful way to communicate the hope of the gospel. As 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NLT) reminds us: “If someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.”
Here’s a guide to using your story effectively in evangelism while pointing others toward Jesus.
1. Cultivate Curiosity
Your testimony begins with connection. Recognise that every person you meet is made in the image of God and is on a spiritual journey. Approach them with genuine care and curiosity. Ask questions and listen thoughtfully to understand their experiences:
- What was your religious background as a child?
- What have you tried in your spiritual journey since then?
- Where are you now in your spiritual journey?
- Have you always thought this way?
By showing interest, you create a space for meaningful conversation and demonstrate Christ-like love.
2. Pray for Opportunities
Ask God to prepare the hearts of the people in your life and create openings for you to share your story. Prayer aligns your heart with His purposes and ensures you depend on Him for the outcomes.
3. Speak Purposefully
A testimony is not an exhaustive autobiography — it’s a story with a purpose. Edit and focus on the parts that highlight your encounter with Jesus.
Your life before Christ:
What defined you? Where did you place your identity and hope? How did these things let you down or fail to satisfy?
Considering Christianity:
Most people don’t come to Christ instantly. Share your journey of doubt, questions, and objections. These moments may resonate with the person you’re speaking to. How did Jesus address those objections and win your trust?
Your conversion experience:
Clearly explain what happened when you decided to follow Jesus. Use Scripture to support your story, but ensure you explain any terms that might be unfamiliar to your listener.
Your life now:
How has Jesus transformed your life? Be honest about the challenges you still face, but also share how God sustains and empowers you. Highlight the purpose and peace you’ve found in serving Him and others.
4. Speak About Jesus
Your testimony is not ultimately about you — it’s about Jesus. Ensure you include key truths about His death and resurrection and what that means for your life. Avoid vague phrases like “then I became a Christian.” Instead, explain what it means to trust Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and the hope of eternal life.
5. Love Your Listener
Remember, evangelism is not about pressuring someone into a decision. It’s about lovingly sharing the hope that’s within you and trusting God to do the work of salvation. As you speak:
- Be patient, knowing that change may not happen immediately.
- Stay focused on sharing the gospel, not winning an argument.
- Rest in the truth that God, not you, brings people to Himself.
A Final Word
Your testimony is a tool God can use to change lives. By sharing it prayerfully and purposefully, you become a living witness to the power of the gospel. Stay humble, keep Jesus at the centre, and trust the Lord to work in the hearts of those who hear.