I watched a Christian being interviewed by a talk show host who is notorious for his antagonism toward those who believe in a biblical morality, especially in regard to homosexuality. At one point in the interview, the host very bluntly asked the Christian if homosexuality was a sin. Although the Christian did an excellent job in responding to the hostile host throughout the interview, at this particular point, I think he dropped the ball. Not that he doesn’t believe homosexuality is sin, but for some reason he was hesitant to come right out and say it. Instead, he said things like it was unnatural, harmful, and destructive to civilization, all of which may be true, but the wrong way to approach the matter, in my opinion. Why do I say that? This is why: because all of those answers are, to a certain degree, subjective. Since they are subjective, they can be dismissed as “just your opinion.” One person says homosexuality is unnatural; another says they find it perfectly natural. Some say it’s harmful; others say it’s beautiful and fulfilling. Some argue that it’s destructive to society; others argue that homosexuals have made many wonderful and beneficial contributions to society. And the arguments go on and on.
When addressing the issue of homosexuality, we need to be clear that according to the Bible, it is sin. It doesn’t matter if it feels natural or not. Most sin does feel natural to us because we are sinners. But even things that we initially feel guilty about or troubled over can lose that effect on us through the process of hardening our hearts. The Bible describes this as “being past feeling” (Eph 4:19). Personally, when I was young, venturing into sin began with a struggle in my conscience. But after awhile, that struggle diminished and I settled down comfortably into a life of sin. Things that at the start had caused me to feel guilt and shame lost that effect over time. Why? Because those things weren’t really wrong? No. It was because my heart had become hard and I could no longer feel the sting of my conscience or the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Everyone has that same experience to some degree or another, so that it why we cannot appeal to anything in us to determine what is right or wrong. We need an outside source, and that is provided by the Scriptures. The simple and primary reason that homosexuality is wrong is because God, who made us and gave us our sexual capacities, said so in the Bible!
When we present the case in that light, we remove our personal opinions and experiences from the argument, thus bringing the person face to face with God Himself. Those who reject the Bible’s teaching on human sexuality are rejecting God’s Word on the matter, not ours. Of course, this might require us to give a defense for the existence of God or arguments for the authority of Scripture. But again, that takes a person back to the bigger issue: God is the One who determines what is right and wrong, a truth that has been largely forgotten in our culture today.
So, the next time someone asks you if something is a sin or not, don’t say, I think so, or I don’t think so. Simply tell them what the Bible says and leave them to wrestle with God.
“For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, … and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account ” (Heb 4:12-13).