“Thanksgiving: A Time to Feel; a Time to Heal”– CalvaryChapel.com
“The good news is that we don’t have to choose either/or. With the Bible as one’s authority and guide, we can acknowledge the ugliness, injustice and pain of the past—including present-day implications for countless natives—and yet, still redeem present-day Thanksgiving in the context of the Gospel.”
“A Glimpse at the Intersectional Left’s Political Endgame”– Intelligencer – New York Magazine
“Every now and again, it’s worth thinking about what the intersectional left’s ultimate endgame really is — They seem not to genuinely believe in liberalism, liberal democracy, or persuasion… Rather, the ultimate aim seems to be running the entire country by fiat to purge it of racism (and every other intersectional “-ism” and “phobia”, while they’re at it). And they demand “disciplinary tools” by unelected bodies to enforce “a radical reorientation of our consciousness.”
“That ‘Junk’ DNA… Is Full of Information!”– Advanced Science News!
“These regions of DNA may then be regarded as structurally important elements in forming the correct shape and separation of condensed coding sequences in the genome, regardless of any other possible function that those non-coding sequences have: in essence, this would be an “explanation” for the persistence in genomes of sequences to which no “function” (in terms of evolutionarily-selected activity), can be ascribed (or, at least, no substantial function).”
“Check Out All Available Podcasts!”– CalvaryChapel.com
“Did you know we have a collection of podcasts available on CalvaryChapel.com? Our vision is to cover topics in theology, culture, ministry etc. that pertain to the Christian faith and make these resources available to you! We pray that these resources will be a blessing and encouragement. Click the link below to learn more about each podcast!”
“Adam and Eve Are Possible: A Second Bite at the Genetic Apple”– BreakPoint
“An oft-repeated claim by skeptics is that geneticists have disproved the possibility of Adam and Eve. Because existing human genetic diversity is so great, there can be no original couple from whom all people are descended. Or, that’s what we’re told.”
“Jesus is King & Kanye West”– GoodLion Podcast Network
“For 27 minutes I watched as each barber, who usually only watches his language when children are in the shop, seemed to be locked in on every word. Their interest peaked with each bar (line in a song), to the verge of almost raising their hands to worship. When the album ended there wasn’t disdain or disgust, but they hit repeat and even turned the volume louder the second time through. Dialogue then broke out in the shop, and not the usual chatter about sports or conspiracy theories like who really shot TuPac; but these conversations were about church, faith and Jesus.”
“Get Ready for Spring 2020 Semester!”– CalvaryChapel.com
“Here you will find links to some of the best Calvary Chapel Affiliated Institutions involved in the field of Education. From earning an accredited Bachelor of Arts in Theology with Calvary Chapel Bible College of Europe to getting practical assistance in establishing a private Christian school, the ministries listed here provide broad avenues of training and education to help you fulfill God’s plan for your life and ministry.”
“The Gift of Prophecy”– Back to Basics
“Can those who are not in a teaching position receive this gift? Of course. As we have already stated, any believer can potentially manifest any one of the gifts of the Spirit. Prophecy can come through someone simply quoting a Scripture or by passing on a phrase or an idea that God has impressed on his or her mind.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.