“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!'”– Luke 2:13-14
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the CalvaryChapel.com Team!
Enjoy all of the following Christmas articles:
* “The Key to Keeping Your Focus on Christ at Christmas”– Cheryl Brodersen
* “Christmas Eve: “Emmanuel at Street Level”– Bill Welsh
* “What Can I Bring Him: A Gift for a King”– Bill Welsh
* “Home for Christmas: Pondering the Gospel This Advent Season”– Keith Fortenberry
* “From the Christmas Tree to the Tree of Calvary: The Meaning Behind Advent”– Jody Ponce
* “Good News for Zechariah and for Us”– Matt Kottman
* “Christmas and the Incarnation of Christ”– Sarah Yardley
* “Missionaries and the Wise Men from the East: Similarities That Bring Encouragement”– Jeff Jackson
* “Christmas Truce: The Day World War I Stopped”– Mike Dente
* “The Grinch, The Christ and The Meaning of Christmas”– Mike Chaddick
* “The Pedagogy of Christmas: How Christmas Teaches Us About Ourselves, and What We Value Most”– Mike Chaddick
* “Why Jesus Came to Us: An Advent Meditation”– David Guzik
* “The End of Fear: An Advent Meditation”– David Guzik
* “Where Christmas Began: An Advent Meditation”– David Guzik