On June 6, 2023, a section of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine collapsed, causing massive flooding, extensive property damage and loss of life, and a humanitarian and ecological disaster. bridgeUA is responding to this crisis. You can help! Pray and donate.
The following is a transcript of the video:
Hello, everybody. I’m sure you’ve already heard about what happened yesterday in Ukraine with Kakhovka Dam. At night. Yesterday, Russians destroyed the waterpower station that was in Kakhovka, and it opened up the dam and water started flowing. It was a major stop. It stopped the Dnieper River, and it would hold a water for 16 meters high. And all of that water started to go in the cities and villages that are in that area.
So, today about 80 villages and cities are being flooded. Fortunately, many people were able to be evacuated even before then. There was some information out there, and a lot of people were evacuated. But about 16,000 people were injured by this water flood that took place.
As Calvary Chapels in Ukraine and as part of bridgeUA, everything that we are doing together to be a support and the love of Christ to all of those people. We are looking into the ways of how we can serve people who were hurt through this. So, one of our churches immediately relocated there and made their place available for refugees to come. And we’re also looking into adding more churches to again open our houses, open our church buildings, for refugees.
But from what we know at this point, not many people are willing to leave the closest nearest by area, so they’re living in the tents, and they’re waiting for water to go down. That’s one hand. On another hand there was a lot of people about 10% of that population, they stayed there. And a lot of them, they moved to the roof of their buildings so not to be caught by the water. But today we just found out from one of our sources people that are living there in that area are older people who could not climb onto the roof of their buildings were killed by water, were killed by this disaster. And a lot of dead bodies are floating and things like that, and animals and all that. It’s just the devastation of what took place there.
We want to be a response. And we want to invite you to participate, to join to support financially. On the website of bridgeUA, you can find all information on how you can donate, how you can support right now. We’re looking into more of a long-term support, long-term goals, so we’re looking into medications, antibiotics. We’re looking into fever reducers. We’re looking into buying necessary medications to help, and in the long run, because people are going to be suffering from sicknesses that can come along because of the water damage.
Also, we’re looking into pumps that will be pumping out the water from the buildings. Boats: that’s another one that just came in, information that there are some churches that are gathering resources to buy boats and motor boats, smaller boats that can run and evacuate people from the buildings, people that are still waiting on the on the rooftops.
So, this is just some ways: generators, heating furnaces and things like that. That’s the area that we want to help, and we want to participate. So, friends, we invite you to join us, first of all in prayer for people who got hurt but also in a way how we can serve together as a community of churches that would be united in the force to serve those who have this need.
And also, if you are willing to support, please, in the description, you’ll you’ll find information about how you can do it. So please follow that link and support with whatever you can. Thank you! God bless you, and we’ll keep you updated as we go.