“Non-Believers Turn to Prayer in a Crisis, Poll Finds”– The Guardian
“For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.”
“Well, That’s Just Your Interpretation!”– Solas Centre for Public Christianity
“‘Well, that’s just your interpretation!’ Ever heard someone say that to you before? When there are different interpretations of the Bible, does it follow that they are both valid? Is it even possible to know and understand what God says or what the bible means? Are those things different? Andy Bannister is back with a new episode of SHORT/ANSWERS…”
“My Immigrant Family”– The Gospel Coalition
“Last night our church family held one of its members’ meetings. We began by hearing the baptism testimony of a Rwandan woman who as a young girl survived that country’s genocide and refugee camps to eventually be adopted by an aunt living in the United States. Jesus used the faith of her mother to keep her through the arrest, torture, and murder of her father and grandfather until that faith would become her own.”
“Fact Checking– ‘The Crown’: Queen Elizabeth’s Faith and Her Close Relationship with Preacher Billy Graham”– The Washington Post
“One of the running themes throughout the Netflix show “The Crown” is the devout Christian faith of Queen Elizabeth, who is shown kneeling for prayer by her bedside as her husband jokingly teases her to offer one for him. The queen, after all, serves not just as head of state but head of the Church of England, the mother church of Anglicanism worldwide.”
“Peterson, Driscoll, and the Millennial Man”– Think
“Peterson has observed how his lectures attract a surprisingly large number of young men too. Peterson is a very different character from Driscoll, but his challenge to young men to ‘pick up the heaviest rock you can and carry it’ is strikingly similar. Many Millennial young men seem confused about what it is to be a man and something leaps in them when another man tells them what they can do about it: shoulder a load, take some responsibility, clean your room and make life better for you and for those around you.”
“Christian Counterculture”– Back to Basics
“This sermon of Jesus, found in Matthew 5–7, is as relevant and striking in the modern world as it was when the Lord first delivered it. It is His instruction on how His people are to live. Jesus points out over and over again in this sermon that His followers are to be entirely different from others. They are not to take their cue from the world around them, but directly from the Lord Himself and so prove that they are genuinely the children of their heavenly Father, living in a way that pleases Him and draws the attention of the world.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.