“Beatles’ Sound Engineer Geoff Emerick Dies”– CNN
“Grammy Award-winning audio engineer Geoff Emerick, who worked on several of the Beatles’ most important albums, died on Tuesday from a heart attack. He was 72 years old. His manager William Zabaleta confirmed the news, saying Emerick fell ill when Zabaleta was on the phone to him.”
“Images & Idols”–Humble Beast
“Ryan Lister, a theology professor, and Thomas Terry, a spoken word artist and founder of Humble Beast, team up to help restore the connection between creativity and theology. Images & Idols is a theological and artistic exploration of creativity in the Christian life. It will help creatives build a strong theological foundation for their art, while challenging the church to embrace a theology of beauty and creativity.”
“David Robertson on the Cost of Cultural Engagement”– The Gospel Coalition
“In my conversation with Robertson, we talked about how the title for his blog came from his engagement with Richard Dawkins on atheism, what it’s like to pastor Robert Murray McCheyne’s former church, dealing with accusations that he isn’t nice, and the courage that contending for the gospel in a post-Christian culture requires.”
“The Profile Preview–Rev Dr Inderjit Bhogal: From Sikhism to Christianity”– Premier Christian Radio
“Broadcast every Saturday at 4pm, The Profile is an in-depth interview, delving into the lives of well known Christians, their work and their faith journey.”
“Live Question & Answer Night”– Theology & Apologetics Podcast
“A recording of a live Q&A night held at Calvary Chapel Hastings: What is Christian Yoga? How old is the earth? Were the Gospels chosen at the Council of Nicaea? Why do we have antisemitism? What is the origin of baptism and why did Jesus get baptised?”
“Cultivated: A Podcast About Faith and Work”– Harbor Media
“A podcast about Faith and Work from Harbor Media”
“Refresh Australia Conference”– Refresh.global
“We are so excited about the upcoming Refresh Conference in beautiful Secret Harbour, Western Australia. The conference is open to pastors, ministry leaders, their families, and anyone else who would like to be refreshed, refilled, revived, refocused, and renewed.”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.