“How to Be More Public with Your Faith”– The Gospel Coalition
“Each generation—from Gen X to Millennials to “Gen Z”—is significantly less religious and less churchgoing than the generation before. This should mean Christians talk more to their neighbors, colleagues, and friends about the reasons they believe, but that isn’t happening.”
“The Genius of the Electoral College”– King’s Meadow Study Center
“The Founding Fathers would more than likely be surprised by the current controversy over the Electoral College provisions of the Constitution. Indeed, it was one of the least controversial provisions of the new compact during the divisive debate for ratification.”
“Evangelicals Show No Decline, Despite Trump and Nones”– Christianity Today
“Evangelicals in the United States are holding steady at just under a quarter of the population, according to the latest biennial figures from the General Social Survey (GSS), one of the longest-running measures of religion in America.”
“Stop Ignoring the Brutal Downside of Legal Pot”– New York Post
“Politicians are pushing to legalize recreational marijuana in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, following 10 other states. But the Parent Teacher Association, local health officials and pediatricians are pushing back, warning about the permanent damage to youngsters’ brains caused by weed.”
“Understanding Cessationism: The Gifts of The Spirit & The Church Today”– CalvaryChapel.com
“In the rest of this article, I will offer a definition of cessationism, describe some of the main arguments for the position, and highlight some strengths that often characterize the perspectives and ministries of believers who hold to cessationism.”
“Heaven Below”– The Canvas Conference
“Our lives are cut off from heaven. Most of us don’t think about transcendence or beauty or glory or grace. Most of us never even look beyond our phones, much less into the world beyond.
Instead, you and I live in a set-off, boxed-in world. We’ve been taught to create our own truth and to make our own reality. Our world exists inside our heads. But it’s all gone wrong—which has ushered in an age of anxiety and isolation, not of freedom and hope. Join us as we see how God can use our creativity to make us worshipers—and how our creativity can help us worship our God.”
“The Living Bread from Heaven”– Back to Basics
“In His teaching, Jesus sometimes used startling terminology. With His difficult statements, He blew apart people’s preconceived notions and conveyed spiritual realities. Let’s be glad that He did! In doing so, Jesus showed us the way to salvation.”
“Madison Cunningham – Jesus On The Mainline (Traditional Cover)”–Madison Cunningham“Madison Cunningham – Jesus On The Mainline (Traditional Folk Song Cover) with Alan Hampton, Tyler Chester, Mike Viola and Ted Poor”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.